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Sasuke POV.

I came home to frightened children and Naruto as a partial fox again about a month ago. He's 22 weeks along.

As of now, I'm stress free and happy that I have more children on the way. I may be almost forty, but I think it'll be good for my family now.

I'm at my job, looking at the emails that I've received lately. I heard a knock on my door and soon felt hands on my shoulders after the door shut. They began moving down my chest.

I removed the hands from my body.

"Look, Orochimaru. We've really got to stop this," I said dryly as I turned to face him.

He gasped lightly,"But why?"

"I've a beautiful, blessed family, a huge home, and a paying job. I've got everything I need, except loyalty. As I cheat, I become less than scum, so I'm breaking you off," I said, repeating my son's words.

"You'll regret this," he scoffed as he headed to my office door.

"No, I won't," I proudly stated with a door slamming shut after.

Now, I'm a true stress free man.

I can finally look my kids in their eyes. I can finally kiss my lover without feeling guilty. I can finally touch him without him feeling disgusted. I can finally look him in his eye and not see disappointment. I can finally smile. I can finally talk to my twins that are on the way without feeling like they'll grow up to hate me. I can finally breathe easy.

I got home late that night from work. Naruto looked exhausted, might I add. He was vacuuming the living room floor when I walked in. I walked to him and kissed him on his forehead.

I walked further to the kitchen and set my keys down on the counter and my brief case on the seat closest to me.

I heard the vacuum turn off and my love walked into the kitchen soon enough.

"I wish you'd come home earlier and help me out. I'm really exhausted nowadays."

"I'm sorry, love. I've been really busy with the new companies. I'll see what I can do. How does that sound?"

He ignored me and pulled a container out of the fridge.

"You staying late makes you miss dinner, too. It's a hassle trying to cook when I'm nearly dosing off."

"I told you that we could get a cook, but you declined," I frowned.

"I think I'm going to take that offer and some maids, too!" He exclaimed as he put the food he'd made earlier on a plate and in the microwave.

"I'm on it, love," I smiled lightly.

He turned to face me.

"That's strange. I haven't seen you smile in months."

"I've ended my affair."

"About time," he mumbled as he looked down with his hands on the counter. I saw tears drop and immediately got up from my seat. I turned him towards me, so I could embrace him in a warm hug.

"I'm sorry that I cheated on you. I know I can't take it back, but I hope you forgive me," I admitted.

He hugged me back as he cried into my chest.

"God, I hate you," he managed as he hit my chest.

I heard slow claps and looked up to see my smallest born, but my tallest now.

I smiled at him while he smirked and clapped slowly.

"About time," he said as dry as me, maybe a little more dry.

"Come with me, Takeshi," I said as I walked up the stairs. "Kids! Meet me in the recreation room!"

Once they all piled in, I began to speak, "I hope you all know that I love you. I love you equally and I'll always be here for you."

It brought Akemi, Akira, Hiro, and Yuji to tears, but everyone smiled.

In the morning, I woke up with the love of my life cuddled into my side, laying on my chest.

I began moving him slowly, not to wake him, but I failed.

"Love, I've got to go to work."

"Just a little bit longer."

"Naruto, get up."

"Fine," he huffed and moved.

I began getting up as he stared at my naked body.

"Like what you see?" I smirked.

"Stay a bit longer and we can have our round three," he said as he bit his lip. "Another round in the shower, yeah?"

"You know I've got to go, love," I said as I put some clean underwear on and some slacks.

I walked over to Naruto and kissed his stomach. "I love you all and I hope you all have a great day!" I smiled. I kissed Naruto's forehead  before walking to my dresser to retrieve a shirt. "Oh, and the cook and maids start today."

I put a white button up shirt on my arms and began buttoning it up. I walked to the window and opened the curtains after I finished buttoning it. I watched as the birds danced in the sky and sat on the tree. I smiled a bright smile.


I blacked out.

I know, what a cliffy! I'll most likely update tomorrow, so be aware!

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