XXI (SasuNaru Alternate Ending)

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*This starts from the end of chapter XIII if you need a recap*

Sasuke POV.

"Sasuke, my love, please wake up," I heard Naruto sob.

"Please, papa," Katsumi called out.

My vision was blurry.

"Look! Look, he's blinking!"

My vision finally came back. I was able to see my beautiful kids and my one true love with tear stained faces, not including Takeshi, of course. He walked out of the room after nodding at me.

"Hi," I forced out with a small smile.


"Akemi, calm down. He just woke up!" Hiro fussed and pushed Akemi back into her chair. Yuji helped me sit up a bit.

"Woah. Months?"

"Yes, love, 10 long months," Naruto said.

The door opened again. The first thing I saw was my brother's face.

"Itachi," I said as he walked over to my bedside.

"Little brother," He spoke softly as he put his hand on my shoulder. "You had a bullet in your brain. The doctor's successfully removed it, no damage. You got lucky."

"Ah, shut up. You can just say you're glad to see me alive," I pushed his hand off of my shoulder and chuckled a bit. Deidara walked in next, with Takeshi following right behind.

"You look like crap, Sasuke. Un," he smiled as he moved to the side to get out of Takeshi's way. In Takeshi's hands were two baby carriers with the top covering the babies. He placed them both down. Naruto got up slowly and unbuckled the first baby. He picked it up, brought it to me slowly, placing it on my chest.

"Th-this is your five month old son, Riki," he said with tears filling the rims of his eyes. Tears filled my eyes watching the love of my life place another one of our most beautiful creations on my chest. Takeshi brought the other baby over, placing it on the other side of my chest.

"This is Manami," he said as he placed a girl with black eyes and hair onto my chest. She looks like Takeshi and I. My son had red hair and black eyes like Hiro.

Tears fell, and I mean a lot of them.

"Aw, little brother. You have another little family member to meet." In walked a nurse with a smaller baby. It had black eyes and hair, just like a true Uchiha. "This is Itoka," the nurse said. "She was just born a few days ago."

"That's our kid! Thank you for bringing her," Deidara said as he slowly took the baby from the nurse.

"No problem. She just got all the shots she needed! I'll go ahead and send a doctor in to check on you, Mr. Uchiha," she said before she left swiftly.

I was overwhelmed with joy. I'm reunited with my family. I can finally right my wrongs.


3 years later.

"Naruto, you're eventually going to have to let go of them, you know?"

"No, I'm not! They'll always be my babies!" Naruto screamed as he held on to Hiro, Akemi, Akira, Yuji, and Katsumi for dear life.

"ChiChi, let me go alreadyyy," Akemi whined.

"Oh, alright fine!" He said as he let go. "I love you guys. You can always call if you need anything. Anything at all. I don't even care if you call me to cook you a meal."

"I'll definitely do that," Yuji said under his breath.

"Naruto, come on. It's a bit of a drive home, and I'm sure they're ready to get to their dorms and settle in. Let's not forget Riki and Manami are in the car waiting in their carseats," I said from the driver's seat, trying to convince him to get off of the campus.

"You're making a scene," Takeshi said as he rolled his backseat window down.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming," he said as he hopped into the car. He waved to his five big babies as we drove off.

"They'll be fine, love. Remember Takeshi's doing just fine. He already graduated college. I think they can get through it, too."

"Eh, it only took me a measly two years. I could've done it in one if they didn't have a restriction on how many credits you can take at one time."

"Takeshi, you're not making this any better," I said, looking in the rearview mirror. "Anyways, it's time to let them grow up. We've still got two little ones to look after. Maybe we can make some more."

"You're making my ears bleed," Takeshi spat, covering his ears. Little Manami and Riki sat in their car seats giggling at their older brother.

This is exactly how I pictured this moment when the sextuplets were first born. Everything I've ever wanted, right here within grasp.

My Everything.

I've officially decided that this was a better way to end the story! Rewriting the whole book seemed too much of a task without doing the story justice. Instead, I've given the audience a chance to see what would've happened if he didn't die. Thank you all for the love and support. Enjoy!

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