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Sasuke POV.

It's been 3 months since we found out Naruto was pregnant. He's 18 weeks now. His stomach is huge and his attitude is gross. He growls every time I get near him and it's starting to worry me.


"What?" He growled as I got closer. He was eating so messily, and I was even more worried.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he snarled. Kurama's voice overtook Naruto's and told me to stay away.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Naruto will be growing a tail and fox ears and other things to suit his motherly duties."

"What do you mean?!"

"To bear the children, he has to have certain things, as you may know. Don't worry, kid. This transition will occur by tomorrow morning. He will maintain these things until the babies no longer need to be fed from the mother. Then he will return back to normal," Kurama said assuringly.

I walked out of the apartment to give Naruto space, as Kurama said he needed.

'Don't worry kid' but how could I not ? My boyfriend of 4 years and crush of 10 years is going to turn into a female FOX. I'm simply not ready for this. I'm just not. Not to mention I have 6 kids on the way.

"SASUKE," Kurama's voice boomed.

I walked back into the apartment to find Naruto. He was in the bathroom playing with his tail. Although I knew, I was still surprised to see him with fox ears and a tail. His kanine teeth were sharper and I loved it. I got closer to touch him and he scratched me with his longer nails.

"Sorry, baby. It's an instinct," he purred.

"It's fine, just go shower," I said as I grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink.

"Don't tell me what to do," He hissed as I went into the kitchen. I ignored him because I knew he would listen anyway.

As I cleaned up my deep cuts, I bit my lip as I poured peroxide on them.

"Ahh, fuck.." I mumbled.

I bandaged my wound and sucked the pain up. I soon got in bed and Naruto followed shortly after.

"Baaaaby," Naruto purred in my ear as he straddled me.


"Fuck me."




"But I'm hornyyyyy," he insisted.


"Fuck meeee," he pleaded. I'm not going to lie, it turned me on, but I was not going to give in.

"No. You've been mean."

"But you know you want to."

"No, I don't."

"Your boner says otherwise," he smirked as his tail swayed in the air.

"No, Fox Boy," I teased. 

"Whatever. You're no fun," he whined.

"I'm not fun?" I said as I quick as possibly switched positions without hurting him or the babies.

"Nope," he pouted.

"How bout now?" I kissed down his neck.


"Now?" I grabbed his member.

"Mm Mm," he held his moan back.

"Now?" I starting giving him hickies and stuck my hands down his pants.

"Mmm- nghh. Ahh.." He moaned lightly. "Noo.."

"Your moans say otherwise," I smirked against his neck. I pulled my hand back out and laid next to him.

"Ughhhh," he huffed.

"Trust me, I know just how horny you are right now, but I think it's best not to have sex because we get too wild. With all these hormones it will be much worse," I sighed.

"Make love to me," he suggested.

"Babe, I--"

"I didn't say fuck me, I said make love to me," he grabbed my face gently and turned it towards him.

"Alright, but don't get too rowdy or we're going to stop," I instructed.

I straddled him again and placed my lips on his, loving every second of it. We broke the kiss to pull his shirt off and I moved down to to his neck as he lifted his hips. He leaned on his elbows and let me pull his shorts and boxers off. We went back to kissing.

He started to pull my shirt off as I released the kiss. Panting and smirking, he moaned as I grabbed his member and started stroking it. I soon began to spit on it as I stroked it. His moans and pleads begging for more. I inserted it in my mouth and toyed with him. I deep throated his member as he gasped for air. The sweet, sweet sounds of pleasure arising in the air as I played with his balls and kissed the tip. I began stroking and sucking harder than before, moaning to add pleasure. I licked around the tip and deep throated one last time before he came into my mouth. I swallowed every last bit of his cum and kissed the tip one last time before taking my pants off. I then lubricated him and inserted it slowly. I groaned and he gasped. I began speeding up as I lifted one of his legs over my shoulder. I bit my lips and threw my head back as I thrusted into him. His moans grew to screams. Yelling anything similar to, "AHH-NGHH-UHHHHH. SASUKE ! MMM." Neither of us cared if the neighbors heard, we didn't even care if the whole village heard. I soon pulled out and came on his stomach as he bit his lip at me. I winked at him and we went into the shower to clean ourselves of sex.

We cleaned ourselves, dressed ourselves, and laid in the bed. Tonight, we were going to meet up with the crew. We hadn't told them about Naruto's pregnancy yet, but they'd know as soon as they saw him.

Still not a long chapter, but I figured that this would be good enough since there's a sex scene. I apologize sincerely for the slow and short updates. I hope everyone likes the book so far. 🤗

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