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Naruto POV.

I haven't felt this type of sadness in awhile. There's the guilty sad, the mad sad, the happy sad, and the pure sadness.

I'll give some examples.. you know when you've done something terribly wrong and you won't tell the person you affected, so you want to curl up in a ball and die? That's guilty sadness.

Or when you turn your sadness into anger because someone did something horrible to you? That's mad sadness.

What about when the person you love's with someone else, but you know that you've got to be happy for them because they're happy? That's happy sadness.

Pure sadness is when you feel nothing but hurt and pain, and want to cry because there's nothing else to do.

I'm just sad and there's nothing I can do about it.

The last time I've been this sad is when I lost my mother and father to a plane crash when I was around six. I was with my grandmother, waiting, excited to see my parents again for a long time. They never came back.

Grandmother turned the television on to see the news talking about a recent plane crash. She grabbed me and held me close as she cried. Her bright blue eyes were never the same. She never saw her son or her daughter-in-law ever again. I never saw my father or my mother again.

She raised me well, but she sure never cared for me after I'd told her that I was in love with another man. She claimed I'd never have children and continue her family line, but boy, was she wrong.

She had no one left in her family. Her son, dead, her husband, dead, her parents, dead, her brother, dead.

Her husband died of a heart attack, her father died from an overdose, her mother died from grief, and her brother died as he tried to save a child from a burning building.

She's probably dead too.

Though, now is a stronger feeling than before. I lost the father of my kids, my husband, the person I've been in love with for twenty three years. We weren't together when I first fell for him, but hell, I surely did love him.

He took everything from me when he died. God, I hate him so much. He took my children's happiness, my future, one of my children, and the most of all— my happiness. He was my happiness.

One of my children won't even grow up to know him or how much he loved her.

"Excuse me, sir? Or misses? Damn, what should I call you?"

"How about my name?" I said with venom hinted in my tone.

"Okay, Naturo— Naruto, I apologize," the cop said obnoxiously.

"Can we get this over with? Also, get these handcuffs off of me!"

"I can't do that. You're the main suspect, Naruto."

"Why?! Didn't you see the bullet hole in the window?!"

"Huh... According to the records, no we didn't. Thank you."

"Your detectives suck ass if they didn't see the glass on the floor. Now get this shit off of me," I said with the rudest tone I could manage.

He unhooked the handcuffs and left the room. Soon, a doctor walked in with a release form.

"Since it's been about three days, it looks like you're all good and ready to go. Sign this and you can leave," the doctor smiled.

I smiled back faintly and signed it quickly. I began to stand and a pain shot up my back.

"Fuck," I muttered as I made it to my bag that Itachi had brought the day him and Deidara took the sextuplets.

I changed in the bathroom quickly into some loose, grey sweatpants and one of Sasuke's black, oversized shirts. As I looked in the mirror, a tear fell.

"God, Sasuke, why do you have such a big shirt? You aren't even big enough to fit this!" I said as I wiped my tears away and exited the bathroom.

The doctor helped me down the hallway, and I got to the elevator with little to no struggle.

Only issue was I was still pregnant and still had miscarriage symptoms.

"Oh, and by the way, you'll bleed from the incident up to possibly two weeks from the incident. If you bleed past two weeks, come see us again. Also, make sure to stay on bedrest," the doctor waved. "I've called the person who has your kids to pick you up as well."

I smiled and waved back to him. I noticed that my doctor was very attractive as he lowered his mask which was around his chin now. He had silver hair that defied gravity and a beauty mark on the left side of his face. A scar was present and visible over his eye, leaving me in shock at how one could be so attractive with a scar over their eye. I guess he made it work.

I walked out to see Deidara in the driver's seat and no one else. I opened the door and sat in the car partially perplexed.

"Where's the kids?"

"You'll see," he smiled and began driving.

I wasn't prepared for arriving at a restaurant.

"Deidara! I'm dressed so bummy!"

"It's a special occasion, who cares what you're wearing."

"What's today?"

"It's March 16th!"

"Oh.. my... god! I forgot the sextuplets birthday was coming up! No, turn around! We've got to go get gifts!"

"Trust me, I've covered it. Besides, who cares about gifts when they can have the person who birthed them's presence?"

I got out the car quickly, and fast paced my way into the restaurant.

"Uh.. Who are you looking for, ma'am ? Sir? Uh..?" The hostess said. Her name tag read Shizune.

"Eh? I'm a male. I'm looking for my kids. You seen some kids with bright blonde hair, bla—" I was cut off as the lady looked very confused.

"The name is Uchiha," Deidara said.

"Ah..Right this way," she said as we followed her.

"Are you two brother and sister?" The lady asked me and Deidara. We looked at each other and busted out laughing.

"Nah, we're brothers-in-law," I smiled. She looked baffled by my statement. We reached the table and my sextuplets jumped up to give me hugs.

"Hey, children. Happy birthday!" I said with a huge smile. The rest of the night was peaceful knowing that my kids could actually have an amazing birthday though their father died three days ago. Sasuke was brought up a few times, but Deidara and Itachi encouraged us all to be happy. Shocked me how Itachi could fake happiness so well.

I'm going with the flow as of now, but the next chapter will be very important.

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