Chapter 8

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I can feel my eyes opening. I sit up and see Harry lying next to me. I look at the time and realize that I have to be at the diner in twenty minutes.

I quickly and quietly get up and put on what I have with me. I can always finish what I have to do in the diner bathroom.

I try my best not to wake Harry as I walk down the stairs and out the door. I check the time and I have five minutes to be there. It usually takes me ten minutes to walk there, so I start running.

I eventually burst through the diner door getting weird and disapproving looks from the customers and from Tyler.

"Kat, what the hell happened to you?" he asked.

"Nothing," I shook my head.

"You can't tell me nothing happened when you have a giant bruise on your face,"

How could I be so stupid and forget to cover that!?

"I-I just walked into something," he looked at me unconvincingly, but before he could say anything else I rushed into the women's bathroom.

I looked like a complete mess. I put water on my hands and ran them over my face. I did anything and everything to try to make all the bruises and scars look invisible. Once satisfied I walked out and put on my apron.

I was working at the cash register when Tyler comes up and asks me the question only one other person knew the answer to, and that person was Harry.

"Kat, what happened to you? You can trust me. Tell me the truth,"

"I already told you, it was nothing," I said starting to walk away. He grabbed my arm and I flinched, but he still held my wrist. He was about to say something when someone walked in.

"Get your hands off of her!" it was Harry. Luckily the diner was empty.

"Harry please," I said, but he didn't hear me.

"Who are you?" Tyler asked angrily.

"It doesn't matter who I am! Now get your hands off of her!"

Harry ripped Tyler away from me.

"Harry stop!" I yelled.

Harry's fist connected with Tyler's face. He repeated this action over and over.

"Harry stop! Please!" I ran over to him and pulled on his arm. It was useless. He pushed me back and I fell against the wall, but he was so angry that he didn't notice.

I screamed. Harry turned his head and saw me on the ground. I saw Tyler get up and run to the back.

Harry turned to see what I was looking at, and I took this as my chance to run. I ran outside into the dark, cool air.

I could hear him calling my name, but I kept running. I knew he was going to follow me, but I had a good head start. It was a busy road so I knew he wouldn't be able to move through the people as well as me since I'm noticeably shorter than him.

I ran down by the park and to the body of water we have in our town. I look behind me. Nothing. I must have lost him. I walk over to the rocks by the water and sit down.

Look down at the water and notice a little fish. It reminds me of myself. All alone with no friends. I see some other, bigger fish a distance away. This fish must be the smallest, just like me. I've always been smaller than everyone else. I always distance myself away from others.I start crying because of what my life is.

Swimming always helps me clear my mind so I decide to go for a swim. I take off my shirt and pants and walk in. I haven't stopped crying, but the water helps mask my face so the tears look like droplets of water on my face.

I can hear footsteps coming near and I swim out farther. He calls my name, but I don't answer. I swim to one side of the water in hopes to mask my presence in the dark.

He must've heard the water ripple but didn't look hard enough to see me.

"Kat! Kat, I'm sorry," he started out yelling but soon after began crying. He sat down where I previously sat.

He pulled himself together and ran to go search somewhere else.

I got out of the water and pulled my clothes back on. I ran after him trying to catch up.

"Harry!" I yelled. He turned around.

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