Chapter 15

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I wake up around 11:00. I only remember one parts of last night. I feel movement under me and roll off to see that it was just Harry.

He was still sleeping so I figured I wouldn't bother him and go for a walk. I get dressed, grab my keys, figuring I wouldn't need my phone, and left.

I walk to a local Starbucks and get some tea. I put my head phones in and turn up my MP3 player. I walk down the side walk kicking a rock.

The next thing I know, my headphones are ripped out of my ears and a hand covers my mouth. The person leans down and whispers in my ear.

"Now, what's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?" he asked.

I panicked and tried to break myself free. I kicked his knees and elbowed him in the stomach and lower region. He let go and I took off running.

I could hear his heavy footsteps behind me. I kept running towards my house.I saw my house and I saw Harry running from the door.

"Harry!" I yell. He looks for where the yelling is coming from.

"Harry!" I yell again. He finally sees me and runs towards me.

"Kat, what's wrong?" he asks out of breath.

"I was walking and this guy-" I was cut off by a hand on my shoulder pulling me back.I fell into the mans chest.

"Let her go!" Harry yelled.

"What are you going to do about it?" the man asks.

Harry walks over and hits the man. The man lets me go and I run to hide behind Harry.

"God, just trying to have some fun," the man says.

"Not with her," Harry replies.

"Leave." The man walks away.

Harry turns to me.

"Did he hurt you?" he asks examining my face.

"No, Harry I'm fine,"

"You're not going anywhere by yourself anymore," he tells me.

"Harry, I'm sure I'll be fine-"

"No, Kat." he says and walks back towards my house.

I run after him, struggling to keep up with his pace, him taking larger strides than me. I don't know why he was mad at me. All I did was go for a walk.

I didn't do anything wrong.

We finally reached my house and Harry disappeared somewhere. I went to take a shower to try to get off the feeling of the mans hands on my skin.

Once out of the shower, I got dressed and put my hair up. I put on a little makeup to cover up scars; as always. I walk to the living room and find Harry sitting there. I walk closer and he stands up.

"Kat, you can't stay here by yourself. It isn't safe. You're going to stay with me," he demands.

"What? No, Harry it- I-" I stutter.

"Kat, I'm not going to let stay here on your own. What if that man knows where you live? What are you going to do then?"

"I-I don't know, but-"

"Nothing. You won't be able to do anything,"

"Harry please-"

"Go pack you things, Kat," he says.

I run to my room and slam the door shut. I slide down the door and cry. He can't make me do anything.

I pack my things, knowing that he will make me go one way or another, and sit there and stare at my bag. There's a small knock on the door.

"Kat," Harry says. I don't answer.

"Kat, open the door,"

"No," I say.

"Why are you being so difficult?" he asks.

"I'm not! You're being a jerk!"

"Just open the damn door,"

"No!" I lean on the door putting all of my weight on it trying to keep him out.

He pushed on the door and pushed me with it. I didn't weigh very much and he's pretty strong.

I run and hide in my closet holding the doorknob. I can feel him pull on it, but soon let's go.

I open the door enough so I can look out and I see Harry and my bag are both gone. I hear the front door slam and I quickly close the door again.I hear heavy steps coming closer.

"Kat," Harry says. I know he's getting tired of this by the way he talks. He opens the door and throws me over his shoulder.

"Harry put me down!" I yell pounding on his back.

He walks out the door and picks up my bag. He walks with me pounding on him and my heavy bag full of clothes.

"I'll put you down, but you have to promise not to run," he says.

"Fine. Whatever, just put me down!"He puts me down and continues walking. I catch up.

"I don't understand why you're mad at me. It's not like I ask that guy to come after me," I say crossing my arms.

"I'm not mad, I'm just worried," he says.

"About what? You don't have to worry about me,"

"What am I supposed to do Kat? You said it yourself, that I'm the only person you have left, and it's my job to keep you safe," he says angrily.

I don't say anything, instead I run ahead so I don't have to walk next to him because I know he's mad now and I don't want to get hurt.

I make it to his front door. I see if its unlocked, which it is, and walk in. I lock myself in his bedroom. It's so quiet I can hear him open the door.

He walks up the steps and opens the door. I sit on his bed facing away from him. He sighs.

"You can't ignore me forever," he says. I get up and walk to the doorway.

"Who's going to stop me?" he grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

"I am," he says roughly.

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