Chapter 7

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After Harry was rushed out, I was tested for several different things. I found out I had a concussion. I was injected with something, but I don't know what it was.

I eventually found out what it was when I began having difficulty keeping my eyes open.

I finally gave up trying to stay awake and let the sleeping substance take over my body.


When I woke up, I noticed that I had stitches along my arm. I don't know what happened to have stitches, but it hurts like hell.

When I was told I could leave, I had no I sea where to go. My dad is in prison, I don't have any friends to stay with, so I guess I'm stuck living in that hell hole until I scrape up enough money to get a small apartment.

I began to walk down the street. I put some earbuds in my ears and searched for a song on my MP3 player.

I kicked a rock all the way to the park. When I got there I sat on a bench, and it began to rain. I watched as the people cleared out to theirs cars to get out of the rain.

I stood up and walked over to a tree and climbed up to sit on a branch. I sat there for a while just thinking about nonsense.

I hadn't realized how long I had been there until I saw how dark it was. I checked the time. It was 11:30 p.m. I figured I should probably start to head back. I jumped down and landed quietly on the damp grass.

The rain hadn't stopped completely, it was still sprinkling. But at least I don't have to walk back in the pouring rain.

While walking, my head started to hurt. My hand flew up to where the pain was. I sat down on a nearby bench, trying to make the aching go away.

Right when I was about to pass out, I saw the silhouette of a man coming towards me, but that was when everything went black.


When I finally woke up, I was in a house. Not my house, but someone else's. I shot up, startled by being in a stranger's house, but was brought back down by a pounding headache.

"Take it easy, love," I could recognize his deep voice anywhere.

Harry walked over to me with an aspirin and a glass of water.

"What happened?" I asked after swallowing the pill.

"I was walking around the park and saw you sitting on the bench. You passed out when I got to you, so I brought you back to mine," he said.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was now 2:45 a.m.

"I think I should get going," I said starting to stand up. Once standing, my head started spinning and I fell, Harry catching me before I hit the ground.

"I think it would be best for you to stay with me tonight," he chuckled. He sat me back down on the couch. Once sitting again, I realized how tired I actually was.

Harry sat down beside me and turned the t.v. on. He put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. Harry pulled me closer to him.

I wasn't really paying attention to what was on the television, I was mainly thinking about what might've happened if Harry wasn't there to help me. I would probably be dead if it weren't for him.

Before I knew what was happening, I felt myself being lifted up and set back down on a bed. Right when my head hit the pillow, I was out.


So, thank you guys so much for reading this! I really hope you're enjoying it so far!

And since the vote and comment thing wasn't working out, as in no one was voting or commenting, I might as well just give up hope with that working out.

Since I'm not doing the votes and comments thing anymore because it 'wasn't working out' I decided I'd post chapter 7.

Thank you guys so so much, I really appreciate it. And if you guys can find a little goodness in your hearts, you can vote if you liked it and if you have anything to say about the chapter, the story itself, or if you have any questions for me you can leave them in the comments!

Thanks! Love you guys!💋❤💋❤

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