Chapter 3

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Hey guys, so I hope you enjoyed chapter 2. So, since I said I would try and update everyday, here's chapter 3. Enjoy!



I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Today is the day I start my new job or as I like to call it, the day my shitty life turns to hell. Even more than it already was.

I pull myself from my bed, and make my way to the bathroom. I turned the light on sleepily and look in the mirror. My eyes widened at the sight. My right cheek was bruised and I had a black left eye. I had welts on my arms along with the scars and cuts.

I can't take a shower because the water got turned off yesterday. So I pull out my makeup bag and get to work covering my bruises.


After about half an hour I was finally satisfied with my face. And I'm praying to God that no one will see through my mask.

I put my uniform on, make breakfast for my dad, because we don't want a repeat of last night, and set off to the diner.

I had an eerie feeling the whole walk there, but I finally made it to, what I shall now call, home since I'll be here working my ass off everyday to make enough money to pay bills and keep food in the house.

"Hello, you must Kat?" Asked a man who looked to be about 20.

"Yeah, that's me," I said, slightly waving.

"Well, hello Kat. My name's Tyler. I'm your manager." he said holding his hand out for me to shake. I shook it politely. He was very good looking. he had light brown hair that came just above his light blue eyes. He wasn't very tall, about 5'6, which is only 3 inches taller than me.

"So if you just go through that door," he said pointing to a swinging door behind the counter."You will find an apron in locker number 384 and that is where you will put your things when you come in. And since there isn't much help around here, I'll be training you, all right?"

"Sounds good," I said and walked behind the door to locker 384. Since I didn't have anything but my cheap phone, that I always keep with me, I didn't put anything in the locker. Instead, I took the apron out and tied it around my waist.

I walked out and saw Tyler helping a customer. He was an older man. he looked to be in his mid thirties.

When Tyler noticed me, he walked over to the cash register and motioned for me to come over.

"Okay, so I'll teach you the basics first," he said. I nodded and watched as he push buttons to open the drawer and some other buttons to make things show up on the screen.

Once he taught me and I got the hang of it he left me to run the register. At noon, Tyler taught me the rest of the jobs at the diner. when the day was coming to a close and I was clearing tables, the same man from this morning was standing outside looking at nothing.

"Closing time!" Tyler cheered. "Great job today, Kat. you did better than I thought you would." he said. I smiled.

I took my apron off and left the diner. the man was gone. I wonder where he went? I continued walking away from the diner. I had the same eerie feeling I had on the way there. I began to walk faster. I heard footstep coming up behind me. Right when I was about to run, someone grabbed me and covered my mouth. he came up to my ear and whispered,

"Don't scream and I'll move my hand." I nodded. he moved his hand and I screamed, disobeying orders.

"HELP! Please somebody help me!"

I received a hard slap across the face in return.

"I said, don't fucking scream!" he said harshly.

He pulled me into an alleyway and pushed me up against the wall. When I saw his face, I realized it was the man from this morning. He smiled creepily at me, tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, and kissed my neck harshly. I whimpered at the pain. I closed my eyes and let a few tears fall.

Soon I felt the weight of the man lift off of me. I opened my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I looked around and saw a tall figure standing in front of the man.

I could hear talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Instead, I slid down the wall, brought my knees to my chest and cried silently. I didn't know what was going on around me until I felt someone crouch down in front of me. I looked up.

"Are you alright?" asked the figure. I realized his voice was very deep.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say still not getting up.

"He didn't touch you, did he?" I shook my head, crying more thinking about if the man did touch me. the figure stood up and offered me his hand. I hesitantly grabbed it and he hauled me up.

I stumbled and fell into his chest. I looked up at him and lost it. I started sobbing into his chest. He pulled me back.

"You're sure you're alright?" he asked looking at me with his big green eyes. I shook my head and sat against the wall again, crying. He crouched down in front of me and pulled my hands away from my face and wiped my tears away.

"You're safe now. I promise." he said. I wiped my eyes, forgetting about my black eye and the makeup I put on it.

"What happened to your eye?" he asked.

Nothing, it-"

"Tell me." he said more demanding.

"I-I fell,"

"You're lying. Your dad hit you didn't he?"

"How did you-"

"I saw it happen, Kat." I looked at him in disbelief.


So I know it wasn't the best but it's an update.

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