Chapter 34

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~The Picture Above Is Harry~


We stood in the kitchen holding each other. I just can't get the images of Harry dying out of my head. Why is he so sure nothing like that will happen? He hasn't ever met... Him. I'm sure He would kill anybody. I grip Harry's shoulders tighter.

It's starting to get lighter. It can't be later than 6:45. There was a loud pounding on the door that made me jump.

"It's just the door. You're okay." Harry said.

He walked to the door, me trailing behind him.

"Can I help you, sir?" Harry asked the police officer at the door.

"I'm just going to have to ask you two a few questions, if that's alright."

The officer comes inside and begins to ask us questions.

"Have you seen anything unusual lately?"

"No. Everything seems pretty normal." Harry answered.

"Any weird phone calls, letters, anything of that sort?"

"No." I answer a little too quickly.

"Well, it seems that's all I have for you today. Thank you for your cooperation." the officer said standing up.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is everyone being questioned?" I ask looking out the door and seeing all the neighbors talking to police officers as well.

"Well, I'm not really supposed to tell anyone this but, there's been an escaped prisoner and is headed this way. He's looking for a girl. We don't know what girl but I assume that he would take almost any girl to find the right one. I suggest you keep a close eye on this one." he directed the last part to Harry.

"Will do. Thank you, officer." Harry said and closed the door.

I know what I look like. I'm pale and my eyes are wide.

"We don't know for sure that its him." Harry said trying to keep me calm.

"Who else would escape just to look for a girl?"

"Calm down. You're going to be okay."

"Don't leave, Harry! Please, it's him I know it is! He's coming for me!"

"I won't leave."


We spent the whole day just sitting. I kept thinking about Him coming. Harry didn't say much so I guess he was thinking about the same thing.

Harry has to work tonight and since I wasn't about to stay here alone I was pulling up my skinny jeans to go to the gym with Harry. I put on Harry's sweatshirt and a beanie over my wet hair. I meet Harry in his car and he pulls off onto the road.

It takes about 10 minutes to get there. We walk in the building and as in about to sit in the room where I was last time, Harry pulls me by my arm.

"Don't sit in here. Come with me."

I'm actually glad I won't be sitting out here. At least now I won't be judged because I came here with Harry.

When we walk into the room where they have the equipment everything quiets down. I guess everyone here is afraid of Harry. If I were in a different situation I would be too. I won't be judged about being with Harry out here.

"Sit here." he said.

I obey and sit down against the wall. Harry walks away and I am greeted by Liam.

"Hey, feeling better I guess?" he asked.

"Yeah. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, anything."

"When Harry and I walked in, why did it get quiet?"

"As if you don't already know." Liam said bumping into me jokingly.

"You really don't know do you?" he said when I didn't start laughing with him.

"It doesn't usually get quiet. Only when you come." he said.


"Because you're breathtaking. That and people are afraid of Harry."

"Why are they afraid of Harry?"

"Well, if someone looks at the wrong way he'll be after them. Everyone takes you being here very seriously. We all know not to mess around with you. We've never seen Harry act the way he does with you. He's not usually the gentle type, but with you," he stopped.

"But with me, what?"

"He acts like if he touches you you'll disappear into thin air. He doesn't want anyone to know but, since everyone in his life has gone, I guess he just doesn't want you to be on the list of people who've abandoned him." he said.

"Who has abandoned him?"

"That, I don't know. He wouldn't tell a soul, but he might tell you. That is of you're willing to work hard enough to crack him."

"I may give it a shot." I say.

"Well, I've got to be off now or Harry will have my head."

Liam walks over with Harry and begins doing whatever Harry tells him to do.

I sit and watch Harry. Before I know it Harry's pulling me up off the ground and leading me to his car.

When we get back the lights in the kitchen are on.

"Why did you leave the kitchen lights on?" I ask.

"I didn't. I thought you did."

We both look at each other worriedly and run to the house, Harry beating me there. When we enter the entire house was a mess.

"Someone broke in." Harry said.

"Stay down here. I'm going to check upstairs." he said.

When Harry left I felt an eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach. It didn't take Harry long. He was coming down the stairs slowly but when he saw me his eyes widen and he sped up.


I felt finger tips run across my arm before Harry pulled me away. I turned around and saw a man standing there. He was wearing a mask so I couldn't see his face all that well. Before Harry or I could do or say anything he left through the open door.

"Harry, call the police." I say.

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