Chapter 9

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"Harry!" I yelled. He turned around.

I guess I should have told you earlier that I'm sacred of the dark. And now that I'm back to reality I realized just how dark it was and how much I didn't want to be alone.

"Kat?" since I was scared and didn't want to be alone, and I was a total wreck, I ran toward him.

I don't know why, but he makes me feel safe. I guess it started when he tried to save me from my dad. He's the only person that gives me the feeling of protection. My dad never did.

I wrapped my arms around him and cried into the crook of his neck.

"Kat, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I thought he was going to hurt you,"

"Harry, it's not your job to protect me," I say quietly.

"You don't have anyone else, Kat."


"Kat, I'm not going to leave," he smiled.

We stayed in silence for a while.

"Thank you, Harry." I said.

He pulled me away and looked me in my eyes. He leaned in. I feel like I should run away, but something stronger was telling me to stay.

When his lips touched mine, I felt butterflies in my stomach, and sparks fly through my body.

I moved my lips with his. His tongue slipped through my lips, and roamed my mouth.

I pulled away and realized how cold it was.

"Harry, I'm cold," I whispered.

He took his jacket off an wrapped it around my shoulders. I looked up at him about to say something, but he beat me to it.

"Don't worry about me, Kat. I'll be fine," he said smirking.

We began walking. His arm was around my shoulders and he pulled me close. I was nearly dry, but my clothes were still a little damp.

We walked towards the middle of the town. I started towards my house.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"Harry, I really need to go home. I can't stay with you forever," I say.

"Why not?" he asked with a slight smirk.

"Because, you can't protect me from everything. I'll call you if I need anything. I promise." I nodded.

Before he could object, I turned to leave. He caught my hand and turned me to face him and pulled me close. He kissed my forehead and said,

"Be safe. I'll see you soon." and with that he left.

I walked back to my house where all the bad memories were fading. I had paid most of the bills and got the water, electricity, and the heat turned back on.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and noticed the blood stains on the sink. I tried washing it, but the stains didn't fade. I finally gave up and turned the shower on.

I sat under the hot water for a long time thinking about why Harry was so scared of me leaving his side. Did he think that someone would try to hurt me?

I was thinking about this over and over again making up different scenarios that might make more sense than the one before.

I turned off the water, dried my body, and put on sweatpants and a T-shirt. I went to my room and peacefully, for the first night, went to sleep with no worries.


Since Harry hit Tyler yesterday, I didn't have to go in today, thank God!

I walked to the kitchen and found a banana, which was the last piece of food left in the house. So I figured that I should probably go to the store with the little money that I do have.

I put on some clothes that I found on my floor. I should probably do the laundry as well.

I grabbed my wallet, filled with my small amount of cash, and my door key, I didn't have a car, and left. I walked down to the market. I grabbed a cart and went to the food section.I got what I thought I would need, checked them out and left.

When I got back, I put the food away and I got started on the laundry.

While waiting for it to finish, there was a knock on the door. I went to answer it.

When I opened the door, the person came in and knocked me to the ground. I hit my head on the wall really hard.

They ran up the stairs. I took this time to arm myself with something. I really need to call someone. I think I remember Tyler putting his number in my phone in case something like this happened. I guess you could call us friends because, besides Harry, he's the only one who cares if I get hurt. I found his number and quickly called asking for him to come over.

After he said he's on his way I hung up and went up the stairs. I had a baseball bat from when I used to play softball, when my mom was still around.

I found the man rummaging through my dads chest drawers in search of something. He must have heard the steps creak as I came up because he turned to me and walked quickly towards me. I couldn't think fast enough to run away. He caught me and pushed me up against the wall.His eyes weren't full of anything but lust, which scared the shit out of me.

"Tell me where you keep your valuables," he said quiet but harsh.

"I don't have any!" I yelled. He can't know that I'm here alone so I scream,

"My boyfriend will be any minute so you better leave before he sees you!" I wanted to cry but I kept myself together.

"I'm not worried about him," he didn't say anything else before he threw me over his shoulder and went down the stairs. I was banging on his back trying to make him put me down, but he didn't listen. Fortunately, Tyler was coming in the door.

"Put her down!" Tyler yelled.

"Get out of my God damn way!" he pushed Tyler and then kicked him in his head knocking him out.

"Help! Please, somebody!" I yelled.

He threw me in the back of a van. h walked around and got in the passenger seat. I sat there crying wishing that someone will find me.

I still have my phone with me! Thank God! I scrolled through and found a number that I think is Harry's and quickly sent him a text.

To Harry:

Harry this Kat. Some man is kidnapping me. Please help me!

"What's the address again?" the driver asked.

"Oh my God Larry! How many fucking times do I have to tell you? It's 4409 South Hanson Street." the man said.

To Harry:

The address is 4409 South Hanson Street.

From Harry:

I'm on my way.

I prayed to God that it is the right address.


Hey guys! So that was kind of bad.

Oh well.

Thanks for reading.

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I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!

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