Chapter 6

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I watched as Kat ran down the street. Maybe I should follow her? Maybe I can protect her from her father? I'm not really sure how it would turn out, but it's worth a shot.

I ran after her quickly and quietly. She looked so... lost, like she didn't know whether to go home or just keep running.

She made a sharp turn, obviously deciding to go home. I turned and watched her run inside her house. I quickly ran to hide in her bushes. I heard faint voices, but loud enough for me to hear. I stood up a little so I could see inside.

"You son of a bitch!" her father yelled as Kat entered the room.

"Who the hell do you think you are!" he punched her in the gut and she fell to the floor.

"You can't just leave whenever you feel like it!" He beat her repeatedly.

"You have duties here that need to be done!" he yelled. "you're just like your mother!"

I thought I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes, but that was quickly replaced with rage.

He threw hard objects at her and kicked her multiple times.

I pulled out my phone and called the police. just as I hung up, I saw him pull something shiny out. a knife. I ran into the house.

"Stop!" I yell.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" He looked at me with an evil grin.

"This your 'friend' you stayed with?!" he shoved me back and walked over to Kat and yanked her up by her hair.

"Is he?!" she nodded.

The look he gave me was full of hatred. He walked over to me and shoved me back again.

"You need to stayed away from my daughter," he punched me in the face.

I looked at him and punched him in the gut. He fell to the floor. I ran over to Kat to see if she was alright. She's unconscious. I felt a hand on my shoulder. He turned me around and was about to cut my throat when the police walked in.


After a couple of hours they had Kat on her way to the hospital and her dad was on his way to prison.

I was inspected by the paramedics to make sure I was alright. When I was released to go, I went to the hospital to see Kat. When I got there, they told me she wasn't able to see anyone. So I waited. While waiting, I had fallen asleep.



Where am I? I looked around, noticing that I'm not at my house anymore. I'm in a strange white room, no doors, no chairs, nothing.

I suddenly saw a woman with golden hair, wearing a white dress.

"Where am I?" I asked her.

"Why, you're in heaven, my dear," she answered.

"Can you tell me what happened that I ended up here?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't," she said. "However, I can give you a choice, as to whether you want to stay here, with me, or go back to earth,"

"Why should I go back? Nobody down there cares about me," I said angrily.

"Well, I wouldn't say that,"

"Why not? Its true,"

"If you can just look over here for me dear," she said gesturing to a picture behind her.

"Do you see that boy down there?" I nodded, seeing Harry with his head in his hands.

"He cares about you, Kat. You may not know it, but he does,"

"Should I go back?" I asked

"Well, Kat, that decision is up to you,"

I thought about it for a moment. Maybe he does care about me. He can't. Could he? I mean, he did try to help me. But that's the courteous thing to do right? Try to help someone if they look broken and in need of help.

Without thinking about it any longer, I finally say,

"Yes! Yes, I want to go back," she nodded and opened up pearly white gates and gestured for me to go. Before I left, I turned around.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm your guardian angel, Kat," and that was the last thing she said before she drifted off into mist and I awoke.

I looked around the hospital room. I had never been in one before. My eyes landed on Harry in a nearby chair.

"Harry," I said hoarsely. He looked up startled.

"Kat? Kat, you're alright," he said rushing towards me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't leave you here alone,"

"What happened?" I asked gesturing to his black eye.

"Um, n-nothing," he said stuttering.


"Don't worry about it, Kat." he stared at me for a moment.

"You're really banged up aren't you?" He asked running his long, gentle fingers along a bruise on my face.

I flinched when his hand caught my chin. He turned my head so I was looking at him.

I pulled my chin away and sat up cautiously. I winced in pain and his hand flew to my waist to help me.

I looked at him, his beautiful green eyes sparkling. His eyes traveled down to my lips and back up to my eyes.

He started leaning in. I didn't know what to do, so I started leaning too. When his lips caught mine, I jumped, but didn't pull away.

I felt him smirk and closed my eyes. His lips were soft. My hands went to the back of his neck.

When his tongue ran over my bottom lip I pulled away and looked at him. That was when a nurse came in and ushered him out.


So, this chapter was considerably longer than the others. I'm actually really proud of this chapter, not so much the beginning though.

So, thank you guys for reading this! I really appreciate it. If you have any comments leave them in the comments; obviously.

If you like this book recommend it to your friends, If you don't like it, just lie and tell them to read it anyway.

And before my next update can I have 5 votes and 5 comments please? I would love you guys forever!

And I feel this is really long now so I'm gonna go. Bye! love you guys!!

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