Too far Buddy

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Do you remember when you would talk in a weird little 'accent' when around your friends? Well I know someone who has gone way too far with his 'accent'.

No kidding he talks  with that voice in front of teachers! And it just adds on even more that he is considered 'popular'.

His name is Tyler and I've known him since fifth grade. I know, I know, only like two or so years but when you think about it; it's kind of a long time.

Anyway, He has his bromance with a guy named Brody, and our science teacher; Mrs. Frye, calls them Tody for some reason.

Which kind of brings me to a relative topic, suck ups. I try not to be one, but when I do; the teachers end up hating me.

Then on the other hand when someone popular sucks up, the teachers love them! For example: It was one day, early in the year when Ashley was presenting an advisory presentation; as usual.

Me: Mrs. Frye, can I do the next presentation?

Mrs. Frye: Of course, next time I have a presentation.

Me: thank you!

(Several presentations later)

Mrs. Frye: okay someone can do this next presentation.

(I raised my hand super high, so did Daisy, another popular girl)

Mrs. Frye: Well Daisy asked me to do it so I'll let her present.

BOOM! (That was the sound of my head exploding)


Does this sound fair to you? If it does, you must have been the person who got to read. Comment below!!!!

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