Finally, the Finals' Finale

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So, I don't know what it's like at your school, but at mine, this is basically how semester finals work.

Step One:

About six weeks before the finals, our teachers warned us that we should start studying, cuz finals were gonna sneak up on us if we didn't. Obviously, being 7th graders, we completely disregarded everything they said and concentrated on the now.

Step Two:

Pretty much just repeat step one, just two weeks in.

Step Three:

The lucky ones who aren't stupid have started studying from two weeks ago to now while everyone else ignored the rapidly approaching finals.

Step Four:

Maybe a week in (2 weeks til finals) I started taking quick study sessions to make my self "familiar with the material" and all that crap. I was feeling pretty good. I worked on reviews and stuff.

Step Five:

One week before finals, for everyone else, it's a big old wake up call, like "Oh my god, what the crap have I been doing these past three weeks?!"

Step Six:

The actual tests were uber easy, and I was like, "Hmmm, let's hope it stays like this!"

I got all A's, and I was really proud of myself. I just keep checking things off my seventh grade bucket list.

Make friends with an eighth grader √, Make front row in band√, Go on a band trip√, Have inside jokes√, Take my first final√.

Now its four days until Christmas, and that brings me to my next stipulation; I suck at making wish lists. It takes me at least three days and some pondering sessions. It's finally Christmas break and I already want to be back in school. I'm so bad at being a kid sometimes.

Merry Christmas break!!

Authors Note

So guys,what are y'all doing over the break? Comment please! We love your feedback! Thanks for Bering awesome!

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