Chapter 20

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A week after the funeral, everything at school went back to normal. Taylor Nunez and Chloe East stole the spotlight of becoming the queen bees. Maddie and Chloe were still good friends but Kalani had been separated from their group. Maddie had tried to talk to her but she was always at the hospital with Brandon.

"I just don't know what to do anymore!" Maddie said frustrated as she sat at a table in the cafeteria. "I know right! We still need to figure out who's on the Word Squad so they can be arrested for killing Kendall and so they can't kill us." Chloe said also sitting down.

"Hey guys!" JoJo said sitting down. The girls had taken a liking to JoJo. She was funny, sarcastic and very trustworthy. "Did you guys hear?" And she always knew the latest gossip. Everyone had changed as soon as Kendall died.

"No... What is it?" Maddie asked intrigued. "Brynn Rumfallo, you know the schools biggest nerd, got a detention!" Chloe and Maddie were shocked as this was the little miss perfect student. "Wow!" Maddie said. JoJo nodded. "I don't know what for but I'm sure I'll find out soon! And here's my number so we can text after school!" She handed them a slip of paper with her number on it. "Thanks!" Chloe said.

They chatted for a while longer until the bell rung and they went back to class. Maddie checked her schedule, history, uck! She thought. But wait... I have this class with Kalani! Maybe I can smooth things over! She confidently walked into class and took a seat up the back.

A few minutes later, Kalani walked in late! Kalani, late? What is going on? Kalani gave the teacher a note and then she took her seat. "Today class, we are going to be talking about Ancient Japan and the Shogun. Now, open your textbooks to page-" the teacher was cut off by the Code Blue alarm; lockdown.

It's probably a drill, thought Maddie casually. Her other classmates were extremely worried and were chatting nervously. "Alright students get under your desks now this is not a drill!" The teacher exclaimed hopping under her own. Or not... Maddie thought worriedly.

"Breathe." She told herself. "In and out, in and out!" She went to slid under her desk but noticed something on her desk. She quickly grabbed the piece of paper and slid under her desk. Students had closed the blinds making it hard to see. But she made out.

Sirens, for me? Oh you shouldn't have! By the way Maddie your word count ain't looking so good... Maybe meditation doesn't work that well!
6 words, then you're gone. Holy crap this is exciting!

Maddie drew in a sharp breath and got out her phone and texted the girls.

M- I'm going to die. Right here.
C- I knew they were behind this!
K- stay in there:)

Maddie was shocked by Kalani's text. And a smiley face? "Geez!" She said. Oh crap! No it's five words! She looked on her desk to see if another note was there. And sure enough there was.


Maddie expected more, but texted the girls anyway.

M- I didn't mean to!
C- wow! *claps slowly in a sarcastic way* what are we gonna tell JoJo?
K- guys stop texting!
M- why?
C- ^^^
K- do you really want to spend your last few minutes like this?

Maddie was sad. Kalani really had to say it like that didn't she? Of course she did!

M- we need to figure out who else is on the Word squad right now! Everyone, get your notes out!

She remembered Chloe telling her she kept them in her school bag so she hoped she was getting them out. Maddie got hers out and laid them out and saw JoJo's number in the mix. She laid it next to her note she just got and almost screamed.

JoJo had the exact same handwriting as she did on the note.

M- JoJo's on the Word squad!
C- what? No way!
M- I compared her handwriting and it's the same.
K- maybe you're acting out of desperation, I don't see her like that.
M- did we see Nia like that? No! Did we see Josh like that? No! So you know what? Goodbye!

Maddie left the conversation then shut off her phone and threw it in her bag. She stood up from her desk and her teacher screamed at her to go back to her desk. "We're all gonna die anway!" She walked out of her classroom into the empty and eery halls. There. I said them! She looked around and expected someone to come. But there was silence. Maybe it was false. She thought hopefully. Maybe- "Hello Madison!" Said JoJo.

Maddie ran away from her but JoJo followed her. She tried to loose her by going around different corners and finally Maddie saw an exit. Maddie locked herself outside of the school and thought that JoJo hadn't got out, but she had. She stood behind Maddie along with Nia, Josh and four others.

"Did you think you could escape me?" JoJo laughed. "You said your last words, so we're all going to do our final act:" everyone started laughing. Maddie was confused as someone came around and laid Maddie down. "What the actual f*ck?" Maddie said.

Everyone stopped laughing and looked at the person who had laid Maddie down. "You were always quite the rebel, weren't you? Well I mean, not always." Maddie imagined an evil smile. "We just wanted your last moments to be filled with joy and laughter! Not!" They laughed and then they continued.

"Today we are here to celebrate the life of Maddie Ziegler. She was born on October 3rd { A/N again I know it's not her birthday it's for the story!} being the first member of the Ziegler family. A couple of years later, she got a little sister named Mackenzie. Maddie was always the perfect kid, a teachers pet, straight A's, you name it. But then her parents starting fighting and she doubted herself thinking, what's so good about being perfect? So, she let her guard down and became what she likes to call herself a rebel.

"But, oh so sadly, she took her own life at a school lockdown for she didn't want to remember this horrible day!" The leader, Maddie guessed, finished and the other members pretended to cry. Maddie rolled her eyes at their foolishness.

"Goodbye, Madison!" The leader grabbed a knife and went to stab her but was interrupted.


{ well... We almost lost her... Maybe one more chapter *evilly grins* }

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