chapter one

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I was laying on the beach with the sand tickling my bare feet, looking out into the ocean. I wonder if the fates will ever give me a break, just once in my life, nope they would get bored without my life to mess around with.

 A loud bang rang out across camp pulling me out of my thoughts, probably just one of the Hephaestus cabins machines blowing up. I stood up, stretched all my stiff muscles from were I had been sat down for to long, and made my way to my cabin. My thought were confirmed as I saw the Hephaestus cabin running around trying to put out a fire. 

As I carried on walking back to my cabin glares and whispers followed me behind my back from the campers. This had been happening for a couple of days now. It all started when a new camper arrived called Mathew, who walked into camp saying he had defeated an army of monsters and was the strongest person alive. 

I saw all this as I was patrolling the borders just checking for monsters and being on my own when a kid ran up to camp with dark brown hair, muddy green eyes and looking pale and sweaty being chased by a hell hound, screaming so loud the gods could probably hear it.

 So being me I ran up and killed it  with one slash of riptide. As the rest of the camp came running up the hill to see what the noise was they saw Mathew with monster dust on him, saying about how he killed an army of monsters. I didn't say anything, I just stood in the back ground looking as the campers listened to what he said.

 I thought it would get him a bit of attention and make some friend so I turned around and was about to leave when a trident appeared above his head and Chiron announced who he was, but I was to tired to care I had been having more nightmares because of things that happened in Tartarus that even Annabeth doesn't know about. 

Now back to today as I ignore the whispers and glares as I walk to my cabin. As I open the door I'm greeted by the one and only evils own creation Mathew, you may ask why I think Mathew is evil is because of how he treats me. Its like he is hell bent on torturing me for life, of course none of the campers see this side of him even my close friend seem to like him and the way he acts, which is arrogant and patronizing and so, so irritating.

 " Hello Percy"  Mathew says making it sound like its the worse thing in the world. I just ignore him I cant be bothered to deal with him not today or any day really. So I just leave and go to the arena and train, since the war my powers and sword fighting is getting better every day, the better I get the more people I can save to many have died because of me.      

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