chapter eight

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Percy p.o.v

Once we had walked for a couple of street blocks I turned down a ally, to the surprise of Millie.

 " Do you trust me not to hurt?" 

" yes I trust you." Millie answers to my delight.    

 " Okay then I'm going to fire travel us to my camp were we will be safe, don't freak out the fire wont harm you or me." In reply she nods her head worry crossing her face.

 "Here we go." I say before flame cover both our bodies and we are transported to my camp.

"That was epic. " Is the first thing Millie's says and I chuckle at her response. Slowly I lead her to some logs and she takes a seat on one next to the fire, that I started.

 "Right then what do want to eat, and before you say anything you can have anything you want, however big or little its all your choice." I tell her as a look of concentration comes across her face.

"hmmm can I have a cheese pizza and coke please." Before she can say anything I summon her and me a cheese pizza with coke for each of us. You gotta love mommy H's food and powers I think before devouring my pizza along with Millie.

 After we finish the food I notice Millie start to slowly tilt of her log as her eyes fight to stay open,  before  she can fall I quickly sweep her into my arms and carry her into my midnight black tent. Much like the tents that the hunters use mine is bigger on the inside. I slowly lower onto the my bed and pull up the blankets so she wont get cold.As I go to walk outside the tent I hear the sleepy mumbled words from Millie.

 " Good night big brother."

 I smile at her and whisper back " good night little one I will protect you as you sleep do not fear." I notice as her breathing become deeper and I know she is asleep, and stand outside the tent protecting her from what the world has installed for us all.

 I stretch my muscles from were I had been awake all night making sure Millie was alright. slowly walking into my tent to wake Millie I notice her sleeping so peacefully it makes me not want to wake her up. I have to though if I want to explain everything and take her to any of the camps, I have a feeling though she will become a hunter.

As I slowly nudge her shoulder to wake her, she slowly open her eyes and mumbles " morning big brother." As if noticing what she just said, a look of shock come over her face aswell as worry at what I might think. "Good morning little sister." I say with a small smile on my face to reassure she done nothing wrong. As she notices everything is okay she relaxes and yawns.

  " Now in the cupboard over there are some cloths you can change into as well as anything you need." I tell her as I always have spare cloths for any of the kids, so they don't have to stay in there old ones.

" Once your ready come outside and I will get you breakfast and explain everything." Millie nods her head, and I walk outside the tent to let her get ready, and wait for her to come out.

As she walks out the tent with black skinny jeans on and top all I can think about is that she looks like a mini Thalia. 

" what you want for breakfast then ?" 

 " Pancakes please!!!!" 

 "One stack of pancakes for mi' lady coming up." I say in a posh accent as she giggles at the way I'm acting.

Once she finishes I uses some water to get rid of her bruise and start explaining from were I finished yesterday. 

"  Now i'm going sound crazy but the Greek gods are real and sometimes have children with mortals called demigods, half god half mortal. Millie you are a demigod your dad is a god and due to some laws he cant visit you." I let her soak up what I just said before carrying on." But that also means that there are all the Greek monsters and its our job as demigods to fight the monster, Okay."

" So now you have two options, you can either got to Camp half-blood which is camp for both boys and girls were you train and learn to fight, or you can join a group of female hunters who go across the country killing monsters lead by the goddess Artemis."I give her some time to think her decision over and wait for her answer and after a while she finally Answers. 

" I would like to join the hunters. "

 I smile knowing she will enjoy being with the hunters. " I will take you to the hunters, but you must promise me not to tell them about how I look and if they ask you my name tell them it's onyx " Millie looks confused at my request but agrees nevertheless.

I pack my tent up and grab Millie's hand as I fire travel us a couple meters away from the camp. As we walk to the perimeter my sense are going mad. We get closer I see why, the hunters are surrounded by over a hundred monster ranging from hell hounds to telkins to monster even I don't know about!

They are outmatched and they know it. As I survey the clearing I notice that the hunters have used all the arrows and are now left  with just their knives. Without think I tell Millie to stand behind a bush and cloak her in shadows so the monsters cant see or smell her. I let the killing calm take over and launch my self into the battle, killing everything in my path.

Percy Jackson guardian of the huntWhere stories live. Discover now