chapter twenty-one

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Artemis P.O.V

Right now we are looking for the most stupid, irritating and confusing man I have been seen. I'm still confused how Percy came across that sword of his, nightmare. That sword on it own could kill hundreds but as Percy as it wielder it could kill thousands. He would a brilliant comrade but as an enemy he could destroy everything we hold dear. 

I'm curious about what happened a couple nights ago , what caused that sudden outburst of anger to slip past his usually emotionless mask, and the words he spoke. I would rather die than feel the pain of a whip on my back again, that is what he said. Those words shock me and yet make me wonder what is he hiding and what has happened to make him fear a whip so much and understand the pain it causes.

The few scars he showed, crisscrossing his arm. The words he spoke to Millie that were so thoughtful and truthful, and that reached everyone of my hunters ears as they could understand what Millie is going through. The way he spoke to Millie shocked all the hunters and he still has not told Thalia what has happened to him. What is he hiding behind the emotionless face.

However back to what is going on the hunters and I have not seen are guardian since last night and now it's early morning. Right now we are heading towards the wolf tent as that's the only place he can be, and by the looks of the smug faces of some of the hunters I might be right that they were the ones to shut him inside it.

However if he has been in there since last night than he is most likely dead, we recently had a new alpha In charge of the pack and he is one of the most viscous and wild wolves I have seen in my whole existence. I am a goddess of the wild and even I can not tame this wolf.

So as me and the hunters go to open up the tent  containing the wolves, some of the hunters having an anxious look  plastered across there faces some with a triumphant face and some with curiosity to what they might see. 

However as I open the tent I'm greeted with the weirdest sight there is pure black wolf with the tips of his tail and ears are a silver colour. It is one of the most beautiful wolves I have ever seen, and it is huge rivalling the goddess Lupa in size. The thing is that we don't have a black wolf in are pack, and by the looks of it he is the new alpha, which is a shock I didn't think anyone would take on that brown beast.   

As if noticing are presence it suddenly jumps up snarling making all of us jump back in shock, and at snarl the rest of the pack jumps up snarling and growling at us as if were strangers. I then notice that this is not a show of aggression but one of protectiveness. I then relies why he is  acting so protective, underneath him behind his two front paws are the packs puppies they were born only a month ago.

It then looks directly at me and I'm greeted by the most dazzling sea green orbs it then looks towards the original alpha and growls softly, then the old alpha walks up to the black wolf bowing his head in submission. However the black wolf just nudges him with his head as I sign of  friendship.

As me and the hunters look on in shock at his display friendship, as it is unheard of for an a alpha to act this way. It then turn ae way again and its starts to morph and bones reline and standing in front of me surrounded by the pack in all is glory was Perseus Jackson.

He then strode toward us and walked out the wolf tent, as we moved to give him room to walk, and as he walked away he turned around  with a smirk on his face the old alpha following him and spoke, his green eyes filled with mischief. " Look after those pups Lady Artemis they will make great hunters when there older." He said the grin never leaving his face. "Oh and his name is max by the way." Indicating the old alpha a the same time before walking of towards the direction of his tent.

" what in the name of the gods just happened." Thalia says shock evident in her voice. " I believe that Percy just turned into a wolf and tamed the old alpha who is apparently is called max." I say still in denial that what I just saw actually happened.

"He is so cute and cuddly and so, so  FLUFFY." Millie practically screams causing everybody including me to turn and look at the young girl in disbelief. How in Hades is she so casual and calm with what just happened.

Percy's P.O.V

Oh my sweet Zeus underpants that was hilarious the hunters faces.  Ha if only I had a camera. well I better make the girls breakfast first so I walk over and make them  buffet and walk out to carry on my other chores only to see Max, the old alpha staring at me with big puppy wolf eyes. " don't look at me like that." but he only widens his eyes at me. " fine hear you go don't blame me when you become fat." I then summon some sausages for him.

We then set of towards the tent holding the arrows with my buddy max, the sausages hanging out of his mouth with a wolf smirk on his face, which looked quite wired. Hades I'm such a pushover. " come on I have a lot to do today get you fat wolf but walking ." I say to max as we pick up the pace and I start the days chores. Yay me.

Hello if any of you people have any Ideas on how this book should go please tell me. Also I would like to know what you guys think Percy's hidden talent to be E.G singing, drawing....  And one more thing LOVE BLUE FOOD.


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