chapter eleven

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Artemis P.O.V

"Quite now." Percy's voice rang out across the room loud yet quite sending all the gods into silence. That was a power in its own being able to shut the gods up I thought to myself. 

"How dare you adopt my son without permission." Poseidon's threat bouncing of that walls signalling violence.

"Shout at my parents, look wrong at my family and I will boil your immortal blood sending you to Tartarus. I will gladly follow to torture you until you beg to fade, I will explain everything once I am ready do you understand me?"  The man I once knew as Percy said in such a cold voice sending shivers down my spine, and making me wondering at the true extent of his power if this  power radiating of him now.

Poseidon wisely kept is mouth shut. Then Percy turned to me and spoke in such a different voice, I was shocked it could change so fast his voice was now respectful instead of hate lacing each word he spoke.

 " Lady Artemis" Percy said " I would like to know about the girl I dropped of at your camp earlier is she alright?"

I was shocked that he was he was asking about her welfare but answered anyway. " She is safe Percy thank you for bringing her safely to the hunt." The only response I got was a nod of his head before he turned to Apollo and spoke.  

" Apollo I rescued a daughter of yours, her name is Millie I rescued her from an abusive home and told her that you sent me to get her because you could not go yourself." He told Apollo before facing the other gods.

I was shocked that Percy gave up his own glory just so the child could believe there family came for them, I respect him for doing that and by the look on Apollo's face he was grateful as well. However I was brought out of my thought by Percy talking again wasting no time.

" Now what is it you want me for?" 

Zeus was the first one to speak beating Poseidon. " Where have you been for the past 10 years and why did you leave?" At this question his eyes seem to loss all life and the shadows seem to be reacting to his emotions.

" I went by the name of Onyx and helped getting kids to both camps and rescued some demigods from abusive homes, if they were girls I would send them to the hunt and help them out." 

So he was the one all the girls talk about being the stranger who rescued them and treated them like he was an older brother. I decided I should then speak up. 

" Thank you Percy you have done me a great favour, I will always respect for what you did to help these girls."  He bows in respect and gratitude at my words before facing the Olympians again.

" I went around killing monster until I was given the name shadow wraith by them, saved a few satyrs at the same time ." He says as if its nothing while all the gods look on in disbelief. 

 "Why did you leave camp my son." Poseidon voices all are thoughts.

 At these words the throne rooms starts shaking, torches grow, shadows thicken and temperature drops. We all look at Percy and see he is the one doing this leaving us all shocked at the power he is displaying.Then Percy speaks in an emotionless tone chilling me to the bone. 

" I am no son of yours the day you disowned me you gave up any right to be my dad. My dad his Hades and my mothers are Hera and Hestia, and sister Aphrodite. " At this you could see the joy and love in the eyes of his new family.

"You are no one to me. would you like to know what happened I was cheated on by the one I love and used because of who I am. So there, that is what happened."

I watched sadden at what I heard, a good mans heart broken but I didn't realise how bad is was for young Perseus until Poseidon spoke. 

" what about your mother sally." 

At these words hades, Hera, Hestia, and Aphrodite visibly tense setting all the gods on edge for a good reason.Anger, rage and sadness is rolling of Percy in waves making all us gods flinch. 

" I went to the apartment to see them, to make sure they were okay, only to see my mother sally's and step farther Paul dead on the floor. 3 people died and I could do nothing about it." 

I was confused how can 3 people die when there where only two of them and looks like some of the gods they were thinking the same

" my mother was pregnant with a baby girl I lost my little sister that day as well as my parents." At this all the gods morn the lose of Percy's sister who never got to see the world and live, even Poseidon shut up knowing he dad done a terrible mistake by disowning his son.

" Then Hera and Hestia wanted me to become their son as well as Hades and I accepted. I became Aphrodite's sister and was blessed by all of them, due to this I got the partial immortality like the hunters that is why I have not aged."

So young and yet so much sadness I thought to myself until I decided to ask what had been bothering me. " How have you got the roman tattoos and that many years of service, also what does the green leaf symbolize." I asked.

" I went to the roman camp and trained helping out lupa, but I was not welcomed there even by my old friends so I trained and worked hard earning 10 years of service in a few years because I was helping out some minor gods now and again, meaning I earned my service  years quicker. I was not welcomed by most though so I carried out my jobs alone. Also to answer you question about he leaf I was blessed by the wild I wont go into detail about it now ."

 To says the gods were surprised was an understatement, as we listened to his story he was like a walking power house he would be an amazing allie but as a enemy I shudder at the thought, as an enemy he could cause so much death and destruction. As if my farther thought this and realized the threat he could be he decided it was a good time to join in the conversation.

" Perseus I have come to the conclusion that you are too powerful to be free you must either accept my offer or die do you understand." I could tell Percy was trying not to lash out at my farther after he said this, you could see the way is muscles tensed underneath what he was wearing and he flexed his arms... whoa back to reality.My farther carried on what he was saying. 

" you must become guardian of hunters of Artemis and protect them do you understand, if you refuse and run I will send everyone of you family and friends new and old to Tartarus do you understand."

 A feral growl escaped from Percy, but I was to pissed to notice how dare he order Percy to protect my hunt we are fine on our own.I am brought back to the present by Percy talking to my farther. 

" I Agree , however you harm anyone I will kill you in the most painful way you can think of." 

My farther shot a ball of energy at Percy so he could be a guardian. As it touched him he dropped to one knee probably due to pain and was surrounded by a blinding light making us all close our eyes. When we opened them we noticed Percy still kneeling breathing heavily but awake, with that amount of power he was just shot with he should be on the floor unconscious for hours not kneeling. All the gods exchange nervous looks, we had just given a powerful immortal even more power.

The next thing that grabbed are attention was a set of pure black wings sprouting from Percy's back and at the very tips they were silver making them already look dangerous and menacing while beautiful. Even though I was still angry that he boy would guard  the hunters but calmed down a bit when he came over a talked to me.

" I understand you do not want me to help the hunt and I understand that some males are disgusting and vile, but I swear on the Styx that I will serve and protect the hunt I will not flirt with any of the hunters.I wold rather die then hurt them. Do not judge me as a male, but judge me as a hunter who goes by the laws of the wild and hunt, I will keep this oath Lady Artemis." Percy spoke kneeling in front of my throne.

I was angry that my farther gave us a guardian but glad it was Percy, I respected him as a hunter and man, I also could tell he was serious about being a guardian he did not have to swear on the Styx but he did I already respect him for that. So let the hunt begin.

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