chapter seventeen

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Percy's P.O.V

"damn Percy you have an army's worth of weapons in hear. Can you use all of these or do you just collect them." I hear Thalia say from behind me but I'm to busy looking for something to be  the concentrated in what she asks.

" Yeah I trained with all these weapons, even though I mainly just use my swords and knives though." I reply in a bored tone, ignoring her shocked face. Hmm where is it, is at to myself as I look around trying to find what I want. Ahh there it is.

" I think for saving my life you deserve something mills." I say using the nickname I have for her instead of her full name Millie, resulting in some glares from the older hunters and curiosity in the younger ones. At these words her face lights up, which reminds me to make it my personal mission to make her happy and her smile more.

" I think that this will be perfect." I say whilst holding out a imperial gold dagger which had silver twined into it, so it looks like a silver river running through a land of gold. I watch her hoping that she likes it as she gingerly picks it out of my open hand.

Before I can ask her if she likes it she tackles me in a hug, tears rolling down her face. I instantly panic, is she ok, did I do something wrong. These thoughts are instantly banished from my mind when Millie recovers enough to me speak.

" Thank you big brother, no one has ever given me a gift of any kind thank you." she says as tears fall down her face. I kneel down so I can properly hug her, and I am face to face with her. Ignoring all the hunters who are looking on to our scene with mixed emotions I start talking.

" You deserve so much more and never let an one tell you different, you are beautiful and a fierce hunter who will be faired by all, Now go wreck chaos my little hunter." I say giving her one more hug before she walks outside with a smile on her face and bounce in her step.

All the hunters look at me with shock and confusion, lady Artemis just looks on deep in thought whilst staring directly at me. Before I can talk to her I have one more gift to give out. " lets see I think these will be good for you 2" I say pulling out 2 Identical daggers with a deadly curved point at the end.They were both celestial bronze but one had a red gem in the middle and the other had a blue one. " I think these will help you kick some monster BUT."

  I say whilst walking towards Katie and Maisy the twins I rescued a couple of mouth ago, and giving them one of the identical knives. They both smile and say thank you smiling and run of towards Millie probably to start practicing with there new weapons. Ahh how fast they grow up and become man hating and monster killers, I think to my self.

After that I turn around to a Jealous Thalia and the glaring hunters, but I cant see Artemis. That when I feel a god trying to get into my secret weapons holder that it enchanted to so I will know if anyone tries to open it, I immediately new it was Lady Artemis.

" Lady Artemis do not....." I only get so far before it is thrown open. Why oh why does this have to happen. No she couldn't just ignore the box no she had to open it didn't she. Stupid gods and there stupid curiosity.

Lady Artemis jumps back with a scream escaping her lips. I'm screwed. All the hunters go on guard at the there mistresses scream, but I know what her scream was about. My sword nightmare. This sword is known through out all of roman and Greek knowledge. Where as my sword shadow swinger attracts the shadows nightmare as it own aurora.

 I don't use this sword because of that when I get it out all life goes quite and runs from the powers the shadows thicken and cower before it presence I only use it in some situation when my 2 swords on my backs moon silver and shadow swinger wont do the job. 

Everybody fears this sword due to its power, no one before me has been able to use it without causing death and destruction, to be able to win this sword you have to be immersed in darkness and death and yet be pure of heart and serve the right side without serving the darkness. Equal parts good and bad.

One touch of this sword can cause your worst nightmares and fears if the owner wills it and that owner Is me, meaning I am classed as very dangerous. I don't know the origins or this sword the best though, I only that Nyx and Erebus had something to do with them making or forging it, something like that.

I don't know, but what I do know is that I have a lot of explaining to do.

Percy Jackson guardian of the huntWhere stories live. Discover now