chapter two

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Its been a couple of weeks now since Mathew came to camp, a couple of weeks since my torture started. All my friends have started hating me or being distant. Also Jason, piper, hazel and frank are at camp Jupiter so its hard to get in contact. I'm also worried Annabeth she has not been the same lately, like making reasons not to be near her.

 As I'm training again in the arena, Mathew and his thugs show up. " look its my favorite brother." 

They say I'm sarcastic! 

"Hello ow great one and your little followers." I say back to Mathew matching his sarcasm. At that comment he goes bright red in the face, what I find quite amusing. Then I walk off to find Annabeth and talk to her, if I can ever find her. Leaving a red faced Mathew behind me.

I walk up to the Athena's cabin and knock. "What do you want traitor." Malcolm literally spits out. Well that's a new one, haven't been called traitor before. 

" Have you seen Annabeth." 

" No." After that one word the door is slammed in my face.

A week later

I wake up with the sun peeking over the horizon reflecting over the calm sea, and to Mathew's snores. I just lay there thinking about how my life is now. No one will come near me unless they want to shout or sneer at me. The gossip its like they don't relies I can hear them.

I'm tired, not sleep deprived tired just mentally tired of the way there treating me. is this what Luke felt. Its like they forgot that I helped win them two wars and think Mathew won them all on his own. Like he needs an ego boost!

The only friends I have left are Thalia, but she is always with the hunters and Nico, and he is with his dad doing whatever they do. Also the campers at camp Jupiter like Jason and hazel. Its ok though I have Annabeth my beautiful girlfriend, as long as she is with me everything is ok. I would go into Tartarus again just to be with her.

Later on that day

As I walk across the grass, and the smell the strawberries wafts over me, I then walk into the forest for some peace form the harsh glares of the campers. As I walk and think, and just enjoy the peaceful forest and the birds and animals. OMG THERE IS A SQUIRREL ITS LIKE A FLUFFY NINJA. 

I'm brought back to reality by some noises, being the seaweed brain that I am I go and see what it is. As I crouch down behind the bush, I'm greeted by the site of Mathew having a heated make out session with some girl, and when I mean heated I mean heated!

I go to leave when something catches my eye, the girl has blonde hair like Annabeth.  No it cant be her, its just some Aphrodite girl I'm just being stupid. As if to crush all of my remaining hope, they separate and Mathew decides to talk.

" Annabeth when are you going to brake up with that traitor." 

" I don't now maybe at the campfire or something."

With those words my heart broke, ever since Mathew came and my friend have left me one by one, they each cracked a bit of my heart, but Annabeth was the one to shatter it into  million pieces.

later on that night

I decided I would leave camp, I had to just get out of this place, from the memories. From the pain. As I open the door to my cabin, I'm greeted by my fathers harsh glare, that makes me want to go and cry in a corner, because of what have been through these past weeks.

"Percy Jackson I disown you, I will not have a traitor and murderer as a son."

At those words I just look into his eyes, and let him see all my pain, all my sorrow, all my anger , and all my betrayal I feel. All held and captured in my eyes. I was happy to notice that he flinched at that stare, and walked away with my head down. I walked to the edge of cap to decide what I was  going to do next.

3rd person

The young hero didn't know about the goddess of love, who felt the heart brake of the young hero and felt his love die with tears running down his face. The goddess of the hearth slowly prod the dying embers of the hearth as her tears sizzled on the coals, as the hope of the young hero slowly disappeared. The goddess of family, the queen of the gods let the tears fall freely, who understood the young hero's pain of being cheated on and loving a family who doesn't love you back. The god of the dead look on, as he watched his favorite nephew suffered what he had suffered at the hands f his family for years until the young hero wished for his and Hestia's thrones to be returned, he watched and the young hero was alone like he had once been alone. As alone tear slid down his cheek.

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