chapter six

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3rd person Olympus

It had been 10 years since Percy Jackson had left and the gods had held a ,meeting every year to discuss what had happened to there young hero . Camp Jupiter had stopped all contact with the Greeks after they herd there protector had been chucked out of camp. The seas had gone into turmoil and were restless, as the seas son had gone missing.  And Hades, Hestia, Hera and Aphrodite hated camp half blood and the other gods that had hurt their son and brother. Surprisingly all the gods were sad, they tried to hide it but they were all sad from losing their young hero. Nico and thalia searched for there brother not in blood but love. There heart bleeding because of the loss of there brother.

Percy's p.o.v

I was running through the forest, enjoying the freedom. I then was cocooned in fire and was transported out side a run a down house. You may be wondering why I was able to do that and not be burnt to a crisp, well there are some benefits of being adopted and blessed. That reminds me I must go see how mom is and make sure Zeus isn't cheating on her. If he has he is going to die, nobody hurts my family.

 Also see how mom's hearth is going, it been getting low lately. It got confusing calling both her and Hera mum so if there in the same room I normally Hestia mommy H, and Hera mum. I  love them both equally though, I both love them and would do anything for them. Which might I add get abused for one example.

 I get an emergency call from Aphrodite, and leg it to Olympus and burst into her palace weapons out to find out she only called to get me to pass her the remote, which was just out of her reach. 

Yeah I may have then got the remote and ended up watching movies with my little sis still 2 in the morning until mommy H ( Hestia) burst in telling us to go to bed or she would burn our eyebrows off. I have never seen sis run so fast, saying that so did I! Once we reached the corridor outside our rooms we both fell over laughing about what happened, until we felt our cloths catch on fire. We both ran into are beds and got under the cover like Kronos was after us. You don't mess with mommy H.

I must go and catch up with my little sis. I know she is older than me and everything but I treat like my little sis and she treats me like an older brother, which means we mess around a lot dad found that out.

Sis and I had snuck into the under world as dad had let us go down in to his domain and we painted his entire palace bright sparkly pink with the help of Persephone. Thing was it was Aphrodite special wont come off for a ages paint. We all had laughed ourselves horse. Even mom And mommy H had laughed there heads off.

 I will go help in the underworld soon help him out he gets to stressed looking after it all, he needs a break. People think he is cold but he one of the most loving men I have ever met and kindest, he accepted me as a son so he is family,  I love him as I would a dad.

The powers I got form my parent goes like this:

Hades - powers like he kids so basically the powers like Nico but stronger meaning I can shadow travel, but I can go father distances without rest and summon more dead then Nico.

Hestia- I'am her champion as she didn't have kids. I'm able to summon fire and home cooked meals. I'm also able to fire travel which is like shadow travel but with fire. Also heal with fire as fire can heal as well as harm.

Aphrodite - I got charm speak as well as physically better body which made me better at combat. I also am able to infuse Hestia's gift of hope and Aphrodite charm speak meaning I'm able to make people more hopeful and determined. Its a bit like what Reyna does but a bit more effective as I works if I talk or don't.    

Hera -  I'm able to control the weather not many people relies Hera has the control of the weather and seasons, and combing that with my water powers I can make one hell of a storm. Also able to change the temperature by freezing or heating  the water molecules in the air, because of Hera's power of season and weather with my power of water. 

So as I'm outside the dingy house, that looks so welcoming if you want to be depressed and miserable I think to myself as I walk up the drive of the house. My  improved senses, from being in the wild for years are on edge, as if something bad is happening.

I normally get these missions as I like to call them from my parents and sis if they hear anything or if I notice someone's hope dwindling I take it upon myself to check up on them demigod or mortal.

As I look into the window I notice beer bottles littered around the floor bring back memory's of my younger life. I still have the scars they never go.  As I carry on scanning the room for potential threats I hear a smash of a bottle and a small black blur fly across the room I'm looking into and the slurred angry voice of a man that sets my mussels tensing and anger boiling.

 I kick down the door and walk inside weapons drawn.

sorry to leave it on a cliff hanger if you have any ideas of comment or improvement please comment I would love to know what you think I may not update everyday as I am busy but I will update as frequently as possible thank you for reading.

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