Chapter ten

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Artemis's P.O.V

" Daughter explain your self." My farther Zeus demands as his voice echo's of the stone walls. so that's what I do. 

" My hunter and I were surrounded by monsters and had already used up all our arrows dispatching a quarter of the monster horde." I say and take a breath as I carry on." As my hunters are about to be swarmed by monsters this figure jumps out of the shadows slaughtering half of the approaching force, setting fire to the rest reducing them to ashes."

After I tell the gods about the first half of my story they all look shocked except my farther who looks scared, I can understand why a person who can defeat that many monster so easily could be a good ally or a dangerous enemy. What intrigues me most though is the worried looks of the goods which are his patrons interesting.I then carry on speaking.

" So as I'm about to move he shoots an arrow straight at my head with accuracy I haven't seen since Orion, saving my life from approaching hellhound. Before I can thank him he is on the ground kneeling and apologizing."

" We must reward him then for doing the gods a great service." Farther says, but I carry on with my story intrigued on how this will turn out. 

" Hold on farther there is more at play then it seems, As I ask him who he is he lifts up his shirt to revel his roman tattoo.The thing is he has served 10 years and  is blessed with some unusual patrons, he also refused to tell me his godly parent and name or take down his hood." I say as I notice all the god looking on curiously. " He then disappeared into the shadows and brought back a young girl who is now at my camp and then disappeared again but this time didn't return."

"What are you getting at daughter." farther says what everyone is thinking. " The monsters called him shadow wraith and I think I know were he is or who know were he is." The name Shadow wraith most of the gods go pale as that name has quite a reputation around the monster world. "His patrons are Hades, Hera, Hestia, Aphrodite, Luna and also by someone else there symbol was a green leaf but I don't know wo that is.

At the mention of the patrons name all the gods look at them me included curious as what they will say. " summon him now." my fathers voce booms across the throne. " we shall not summon him you have not right to make us." Hestia shouts which is a surprise and it is a scary site as she has embers crackling between her fingers and fire dancing in her eyes.

Soon all his patrons are shouting and refusing to get him until my father's cold voice, anger lacing each word sweeps over us. " If you do not bring him, I will send the hunters after him, I will send every single god, goddess,  demigod, monster, warrior to find him and kill him, do you understand now summon him."

At these words all his patrons stop fear and worry crossing their faces. Who do they love so much that makes them act like this I think to my self until I notice them talking each other,  before they address my father. 

" We will summon him but you must first promise not hurt him do you understand." Hera says strongly as her husband looks on warily. 

" Fine I swear on the Styx not to harm I'm when he gets here." Zeus says with the rumble of thunder booming in the background. " So where is he." My father asks worry coating his words as he speaks. 

" He has been here the whole time." my uncle Hades dark voice speaks in the eerily quite room.

At these word we all looks around nervous until a dark figure walks out from the shadows, his foot steps making no sound as the shadows seem to move away from his aura as if they fear him.  I know that I'am wary of him  after seeing him on the battle field and being able to hide from a room full of gods in the shadows, I have every rite to be cautious.

" Mum " His deep velvet voice speaks sending shivers down my back as Hestia and Hera both shift into mortal size and hug him. When the hell did Hestia and Hera have a son but Before I can carry on thinking about it he release them and walks over to Hades. He bows his head respect before being engulfed by Hades. "My son its has been to long." Hades says before the deep voice replies. " It has farther, I must visit more."

By now most of the gods our on the verge of fainting but are to stubborn and nosy to. As he steps away from them he speaks again this time is voice full of playfulness. " Aww come on sis aren't you going to give your big bro a hug." Before he can even finish what he is saying he is crushed by the goddess of love in a tight embrace. "Never big bro." Aphrodite playful voice bounces around the throne room.

If the gods were shocked and confused before  they were now practically falling of their thrones now. Some like Apollo actually had. Even I the great huntress was gob smacked.  Zeus decided then it would be a good time to open is mouth. 

" what do you mean he is your son  Hera, hades, Hestia what do mean by all this, take of your hood soldier now."

And he did, he lifted of his hood and he spoke in a cold voice devoid of emotion.

" The monsters now me as shadow Wraith out of fear of my power and people know me as Onyx. I'am the adopted son of Hades, Hera, Hestia, Champion of Hestia and Hera. Blessed by the Roman goddess Lupa, blessed and adopted brother of Aphrodite. I am blessed and the Champion of nature. I was once know as the saviour of Olympus and bane of titans. I led wars and defeated giants, went to Tarturas and survived. I was your Hero and you used to know me as Percy Jackson son of Poseidon."

Then chaos erupted.  

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