Chapter Twenty-Five

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Percy's P.O.V

I knew the moment the last monster was sent to the pit that I would have to tell the hunters the whole story of what has happened to me, and to be honest I was so scared.  However I know that it must be done. So with max the wolf laying on my feet and the hunters and I huddled around the roaring fire, gold, orange and red colours swirling I begin.

" I understand that you have already been told about my quests so I will start my story just after the giant war." I state whilst staring at the fire, as the hunters stare on in interest. 

" We had just defeated Gaia and we had lost so many young demigods, so many innocents, but we carried on and enjoyed what piece we were given.  Then a young demigod arrived at the border of camp fight of a hellhound, so me being me I ran into help and killed it. The demigod I saved was called Mathew, this was when everything went wrong he started telling everyone that he defeated 10 hellhounds on his own, and that I stood bye and did nothing."

I take a deep breath before carrying on. " however this did not bother me, I don't care about praise so let it slide. I had been struggling since Tartarus, the nightmares that would plague me would leave me struggling to breath and drenched in sweat, this was caused form running through the house of night and keeping my eyes open, to protect the person I loved." 

By this point the shadows hove thickened and temperature had dropped responding to my emotions.  " I put happy face on and carried on, but then the roomers started, Mathew started telling people lies and false truths so they would hate me. So after a couple weeks nearly the whole camp hated me, and my friends were leaving one by one." 

Images flood my mind, old friends, old pain. " I wold never retaliate when the campers hit me or shoved and pushed I just carried on in silence. I was alone and it hurt so badly to see my friends hate me and it broke me and my fatal flaw. I had the girl I loved with me and that was enough. Annabeth Chase. "

saying her name leaves a sourer taste in my mouth. " Then I found her In the wood cheating on me with the person the made my life hell, Mathew. I broke. My father disowned me and I was just going to leave, leave the hate, the abuse, the memorise. That wish was not easily granted though."

Sadly I cant leave the memorise behind they still haunt me. " Before I was able to cross the border of camp I was knocked out, to wake up in chains and the cold, cruel stare of Mathew." A shiver passes down my spine.

" The scars that he gave me I still have and they will never fade, nor will the memoires that still haunt me. The only reason that I lived was with the help of a tree Nymph, who carried me to a water source, saving my life."

Every hunter including Lady Artemis has a look of pure horror plaster on there face. " I left camp my body sore and my spirit broken, only with a speck of hope left in my heart. My mum was still alive the only family I had left but I walked into her flat to find her dead, her throat slit savagely, my stepdad had a knife lodged in his chest."

I say letting a lone tear fall down my face carving a path of sorrow, before is start talking again my voice no more than a whisper. " my mum was pregnant with my little sister when she died, because of me not being able to protect them my little sister died, and it was my fault."

I cant help but notice that I'm not the only person that has let a tear slip most of the hunters have as well. " I broke. I released all my power every single speck of energy I had I released, and the earth shook and sea raged, but all I felt was pain and sorrow and it consumed me."

They all look shocked at my power but I carry on staring at the fire and carry on my story. "I would have died because of the power I unleased if it was not for a certain group of gods, ad for that  will always love them.

Lord Hades, Lady Hera and lady Hestia all adopted my and made me there champions lady Aphrodite became my sister and I love them all so much, they saved me and I will always be grateful for what they have done for me. I then went around he world and saved demigods that were in trouble, that is why demigods have been turning outside the camps saying a stranger brought them there but it was me."

Shock is plastered on the hunters face at my words so far. " I tried fitting in with the romans but with a different identity so they wouldn't know it was me, however it was to much like the Greeks, and the rumors had already spread and my once friends when asked said they didn't care what happened to me and that I was only good at fighting wars and killing. I left the romans without them even knowing it as Percy  they were talking to."

It only feels like yesterday my life was turned upside down not 10 years ago. " I got the blessing of Lupa as I helped her and her pack out a couple time, and that is why I can turn into a wolf and have advanced senses."

I can feel the hunters eyes on me making me squirm, and I take a breath and carry on my explanation. " I didn't tell you about all this when I first me you all because you would either pity me or hate me and if I was going to earn your trust I wanted to do it properly, so you would  trust me and not just pity me. You see I didn't get a choice weather or not to be your guardian Zeus threated to hurt my family if I didn't and I cant loose them I just cant." I Explain all this and it feels as if the world has been lifted of my shoulders again, but the hunters stares way just as much.

However when I look I notices the hunters of Artemis all have tears in there eyes, and I feel guilty for making them sad. I'm then suddenly wrapped in 10 or more small and yet strong arms belonging to the hunters.

" we are sorry brother that you had to go through that, we promise to be there for you and never hurt of leave you big brother, as long as you don't leave us brother, and we are all so sorry for hurting you when all you did was be nice and respect us ."

Phoebe is the one who says this tears carving paths down her face and I immediately hug her, and speak. " I could never be angry at you girls, you are my little sisters and I will do anything I can to care and protect you, I wont leave any of you."  The last words are a promise that I will keep until I pass to my farther realm.

The next voice and question surprise me. " can we see your scars?" Lady Artemis says her small voice strong, and I do what she says to knowing the horror that will soon take over face when she see's how hideous my scars look, as they criss-cross my backs in a beautifully dark pattern.

What do you think? I'm so shocked with the amount of people who are actually reading this story, I didn't think people would like it this much. So please comment your views on the story and what you think Percy's hidden talent should be and who should Nico be with  or should he be single?

~ Moonlacepetal

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