Chapter thirteen

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Percy's P.O.V ( End of the throne room chapter)

To say I was angry at being made to come before the gods was an understatement but I didn't blame my family I know they had no choice. They had finally finished talking about me and making me tell them everything, which I was not happy about.

I was glad it was over, a few more and I would have shoved little old Zeus's bolt where Apollo don't shine and seen how well Poseidon can dodge his own trident. I had to guard the hunt, that was a shock and a death sentence at the same time.After all the gods had flashed out only my family, Apollo, Artemis and to my  displeasure my Oh so great ex farther.  

"Percy my son." Poseidon says making my adopted farther Hades tense. 

"I am no son of yours, I stopped being your son the day you disowned me. My father is Lord Hades and I am proud to be called his son." I say my voice in wavering, as my anger rises.

 However out of the corner of my eyes I see my adopted father relax with a hint of  smile on his face. Poseidon looked taken aback by what I had just said, but then his eyes narrow anger.

" He has no right to be your father." before I can reply to Poseidon's statement my farther Hades speaks.

" Brother you lost you right to call Percy your son the day you hurt him, the day you threw him away. I may not be the greatest dad in the world but I will do my dam best. I love both my sons  and I am proud to call Percy my son." As I hear my father Hades say such true word I am glad to call him my farther, and angry at Poseidon for thinking he has any right to me.

As if noticing my aura of power and anger Poseidon takes a wise step back before his eyes narrow in confusion. " How can you still uses the power of the sea." 

This time it was Hestia turn to reply to Poseidon question. " What belongs to the sea will always belong to the sea. Its the blood of the sea that runs through his veins and the sea can not be tamed, or taken Poseidon"

At my mothers word he seems shocked and then Hera decided to speak. " Poseidon leave now Percy is free to do as he wishes." With Hera's word he flashes out leaving the smell of polluted water.

"We are proud of you Percy and will help you in any way we can, be strong brother we all love you." Aphrodite voice says before my family flashes, leaving me alone to face the trials ahead.

"Apollo you can come out I wont hurt you." At these words Apollo steps out and speaks.

 " Percy I would like to thank you for rescuing my child, and making her think I was there for her. I will always be in your debt for what you have done for our children, for me and the Olympians, For all that you have done I thank you."

I was shocked by his words but didn't let him know. We then make are way to where Lady Artemis is waiting. I was happy to hear that Apollo was going to visit Millie but not happy what I heard next. Before Apollo flashed away he whispered, Quite enough so Artemis didn't hear.

 "Protect my sister Percy, but be careful of what secrets you hold close as they will soon be heard." And then he was gone leaving me confused.

As we walked through the forest toward the hunters camp I noticed Artemis studying  me, she was trying to be discreet but I noticed she kept looking toward my twin swords on my back. After a while she seemed to happy that she knew were all my weapons were.

If only she realised that you cant see all of them as I never have all my weapons on display. I was glad she hadn't noticed the hidden dagger in my boot or my bow on my finger in the form of a ring. I was more than happy that she didn't notice the aurora of my third sword nightmare, if she noticed that sword I would never gain her trust as I spent the whole time on Olympus trying to hide its energy, she might try to kill me. The thought of Lady Artemis trying to kill me put a smile on my face.

I the decide to put my wings away as they did look a bit intimidating and I didn't want to scare the hunters.  However Lady Artemis noticed and kept on staring at me, which made me feel awkward. Even thought I let out a small chuckle and explained.

" I can make my wings appear and disappear, like summoning them."

Lady Artemis just kept on looking at me in confusion, and released I hadn't explained why.

 " The hunters will be weary of who I am and the way I look, as it does not scream friendliness. I don't think wings help me look that welcoming, more like it has wings, equals bigger target, giving me a kill thing with wings vibe, so I put them down. I don't want to intimidate the hunters." I explained.

After a couple more minutes of walking we stopped outside the border of what I assumed was the camp. However before I could walk inside the borders I was informed to wait so I didn't scare the hunters. Lady Artemis would summon me when she was ready.

I had to agree with what she was saying as I didn't look the most welcoming in my assassin like clothing. So I waited until I was summoned . When called I emerged from the shadows were I was brooding on what Apollo had said, I walked in the clearing where the hunters were standing.

I was suddenly tackled my three fast small moving blurs tensing at first, then realizing they were no threat before being shoved to the ground by the force. I noticed all the hunters draw their bows but I didn't care. I just laughed and hugged the girls back. I noticed the hunters lower the bows but kept them ready.

I stood up and put Millie on my shoulders making sure she didn't touch my swords, holding the hands of the twins that I had rescued. One was called Katie who had brown hair and eyes and the other was called Maisy who had brown hair but blue eyes. They were children of Demeter.

I could tell the hunters and Artemis were shocked at what happened but Lady Artemis came out of her shock and gave me the order to remove my hood. I then removed my hood and spoke.

 " My name is Percy Jackson, the girls know me as Onyx as I was the one who brought the to the hunt."

Before I could carry on I noticed the sky darkening and the smell of ozone filling my nostrils. I knew what was about to happen. Quickly I took Millie off my shoulders and gathered the girls in my arms snapping my wings out causing a flash of pain at the sudden movement, bracing my self for impact.

Then it happened a huge lighting bolt struck my back and I gritted my teeth in pain, but I wouldn't move I had to absorb and stand the power so the girls couldn't get hurt by the energy of the bolt. Once it was over I felt like every muscle in my body had been broken and torn and put back together again. My wings felt as if they were on fire. I had to fight the black spots clouding my vision I had to make sure the girls were safe first.

what do you think Percy's hidden talent should be e.g. singing , drawing.... comment what you think it should be and I  hope your enjoying the story.

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