Chapter eighteen

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Percy's P.O.V o

" how did you come across this sword Percy, you shouldn't have this sword." Lady Artemis says fear lacing every word she says, whilst the hunters look on in confusion at what has got there mistress so scared. Nightmare. That is what got her so scared, my sword of fear and darkness.

Oh god this is going to take a while to explain. " I can explain, but not in front of the hunters they don't need to know any of this." I add all my emotion into my words, pleading with her to hear my silent request.

" Leave all of you now." She says her voice leaving no room for discussion, confusion crossing there faces at the demand . Then she carry's  on with her questions. " 1 how did you get all these weapons. 2 how in hades did you come across this sword." I now I can not lie to her, so I tell her the truth.

" I didn't actively find this sword it found me. I was walking through the forest and I came across the sword it was of the very few that felt balanced. I only use it when I need to and using it has its own drawbacks." I say whilst memorise of my life haunt me. " And to answerer your first question I went around the world fighting and improving in any way possible, I picked up a few weapons on a way."

" There are many secrets surrounding you Percy some you keep yourself and some that you have yet to know" she whispered to her self before walking out. I stood in shock my mind numb, this is to like my life 10 years ago.

I feel like I am drowning again and again. I don't register what I'm doing, I pull up my hood hiding my turmoil filled face. I shrink my weapon tent make the hunters dinner including Artemis who looks conflicted. The hunters glare and I ignore them I don't know how to react to them I cant go through all the pain again. Thalia looks even more pained them me and yet I cant do anything about it.

 Millie and the twins look on in confusion but I cant bring my self to look and talk to them. I climb a tree the bark cold and steady beneath my grip and watch the hunters, all I feel in numbness I can't take it. I love my family but that docent mean I got over what happened with my last family.

How am I meant to explain to Thalia and Nico what happened I can't take any one else hurting me. It hurts, all this place is doing is bringing back old memorise. The lifeless bodies of my  mother sally and Paul, my friends and family dying around me. My lungs are frozen, blue food that memory flooded my mind and I grieved. I look emotionless and yet I am broken, I am so broken and shattered.

All I want to do is fade into the shadows. I want to lose my self in there dark embrace. What would all my dead friends and family think of me now would they think me a hero as written on my back in the cold strokes of a dagger, which were once covered in blood, or would they think me heartless like it says on top of my cold and broken heart. These words born out of pain and hatred, and that pain and hatred that now courses through every ounce of my being.    

I look up to the stars and catch my breath they are still beautiful as ever, the huntress standing out from all the others. I'm so scared of that one day all the hunters will all wake up and relies that I'm more of a monster, look at me and see what a killer that I am, See my heart and cringe. Would they stare at my soul and see all the power that pulses ad pushes through me, begging to kill begging to be released on the world, would they run or stay.

I cause so much death and it swallows me whole, and yet I carry on I survive. I have been surviving for so long not caring if I die or live. I escaped and now I chained back to so many people who will die because of me, because of the monster I am.

As if noticing my turmoil the wind blow across my face, whipping my hood form my face and blowing my hair behind me and asking a question. what is wrong young one it seems to whisper in to my ear.

I answer laying my heart open to the worlds harsh gaze and whisper to the moon and stars. A few lone tears falling down my hopeless face.

" I am lost and scared and I don't know the way to go."

Percy Jackson guardian of the huntWhere stories live. Discover now