chapter fifteen

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Percy's P.O.V

I woke up at dawn still feeling a bit sore but I had felt worse. I get dressed knowing that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep now I was awake. So I walked outside and ran around the perimeter.

As I enjoyed running, feeling free as I jumped tree to tree loving as the wind blew threw my hair. I was the sea and the sea could never be tamed. I will never be caged or tamed again, I will never be controlled again. Yet here I was in the control of the gods again.

Once I checked the perimeter not coming across any monster I went back to the clearing. I climbed into a nearby tree and waited for the world to wake and the hunters to rise.

After a about an hour the hunters started to wake, I noticed a hunters making there way to my tent and Lady Artemis. As she came nearer I stayed totally still not wanting to alert her to my presence.

Just as she was about to go into my black tent I jumped down form the branch I was perched on,# making enough noise as not to act as if I was sneaking around, or that I was a monster. This totally backfired. 

"Milady Art..." 

I didn't get any further because I was suddenly dodging a silver hunting knife.Oh my sweet coconuts if this is what I get as a good morning I'm screwed. I moved my head out the way so I didn't get hit by the knife but heard it lodge itself into the tree behind me. Well there is no need to be throwing knives, I would have been happy with a hello but no it had to be knife.

It was okay though because I turned towards Lady Artemis and saw the shocked expression on her face and had to try my best not to laugh at it.  Obviously noticing this her face became red out of anger or embarrassment I don't know.Regaining her composure she fixed me with a stare which would make most men and gods run for the hill, however I just stared back before bowing and speaking a polite tone.

" Good morning Lady Artemis." 

" How long have you been up " Lady Artemis asks in a cold voice. Well these people seem like great morning people first a knife then a glare what next. 

" since dawn broke Milady, I the ran the borders to check for any monster before keeping watch on the tree behind me to check for ambushes." I reply to her curios questing.

" Good. Now got to the food tent you must prepare breakfast for the hunters immediately."

 I nod in response and make my way toward the hunters food tent, as lady Artemis returns to her tent. I wonder if the gods are taking bet on how long I'm going to last. Those old hags and there string, I bet they love messing around with my life string. Damn you fates.I enter the tent to see most of the hunters glaring at me. They do love there glaring at me. 

" morning hunters what would you like for breakfasts." At these words Millie  jumps up. 

" can I have a pancake please Percy."  I cant say no to the face she is giving me.

"Fine. Here you go." I clap my hands and a plate of blue pancake appears in front of a drooling Millie. The shocked faces of the hunters put a smirk on my face before a get yells of what the rest of the hunters want. They all decided they wanted the same as Millie. 

I then summon my own blue pancakes and take a bite. Just like mum's, who says you cant have blue food.Suddenly a young voice is asking me a question.

" Percy why is all the food blue." the voice belonged to Millie. A blush form on my cheeks due to embarrassment. 

" my mum always used to cook blue food, I guess it's a habit." I say sheepishly. 

All the hunters look at me weirdly, I then make eye contact with Thalia and I know in training I'm dead. After food all the hunters go to the archery range to practice for the training, and I go clean my weapons.

After I made lunch for everyone getting glares from most and a death warrant for Thalia  we make are way to the training area. I'm suddenly tackled by Millie, who I then put on my shoulders to the dislike of the hunters.

"Look Percy they gave me a bow." I smile. I'm happy she is getting on well with hunters and enjoying her self.

 " cool mills we are going to have to have a shooting contest soon." I know a used to be bad a shoot, well actually I was just pure dangerous but 10 years help loads with the  weapons part of being a demigod.  

" I'm going to beat you." I smile at Millie's confidence and carry on walking toward the training area were the hunters are gathered. From just looking at Thalia I know she wants revenge and answers to were I have been, a glance a Lady Artemis tells me she has questions and that she wants to know who I am now and what I can do.

Its going to be a long lesson, and a hell of a lot a bruises.

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