Chapter twenty

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Percy's P.O.V

I perched up a tree again surveying the hunters camp looking for seen and unseen threats, until I hear a scream, which sounded a lot like Millie. I immediately ran to where the scream came from, and run into the tent.

What I saw would sadden me to no end, on her bed was a screaming Millie. I quickly run over to her and kneel beside her and try to wake her up. Suddenly she bolt up, shaking eyes glassy like she is stuck in a memory. 

As if just noticing me she turns fear written all over face before recognizing me and hugging me with more strength that I ever possible. It hurts so bad to watch Millie like this, and I will hurt anybody who hurts her.

I scoop her into my arms as cry's into my chest, and carry her outside the tent and to the camp fire and light it without a second thought. I sit down Millie still in my, and by now the other hunters including lady Artemis, have come to find out what all the nose is but I don't care, all I care about is Millie and if she is ok.

" What is wrong little sister." I say in a soft gentle voice. " don't make me go back there please." Her small voice says. I Then understand she was having a nightmare about her uncle. This set my anger boiling but I cant loose my temper or I will scare Millie.

" Its ok Millie you never have to go back there, you never have to see him again." I say and I believe every word I said. " Why did this happen to me." Millie says sounding broken." what did I do to deserve all these scars." she says the last bit coming out as more of a whisper, while teas form rivers down her sorrow filled face..

" Nobody deserves to be treated like that Millie, no of you girls did." I say to her. An then do something that will lead to so many questions but I know it what Millie needs. " look we all carry scars." I say whilst pulling up my left sleeve to show my many scars and burns, hiding it enough so she doesn't read what is written on it.

" But that just means we are stronger. It means that we have been through hell but we lived and we carry the scars to show that we have suffered but it never defeated as the it never will." I say while her eyes are still staring down at my scar filled arm.

" What happened to you Percy." Thalia voice echo's over the now dawn filled clearing curiosity laced over each word. " so many things Pinecone face and none of them I wish to discuses and of fear and pain." I say trying to put end to the conversation, however Thalia is having none of it.

" why did you leave for so long Percy? You could have stayed with sally and Paul, or told me or Nico were you were going, not jut leave us." Thalia explains but then I snap at the mention of my mother.

"There dead Thalia and there never coming back. I walked into the house to find my mothers throat slit from ear to ear and a knife lodged in Pauls chest. Thalia don't make me tell you any more, I'm scared Thals so scared that when you find out what happened to me you will hate. Don't make me tell you anymore Pease." I say begging Thalia not to delve any deeper into why I left what has happened to me.

" I'm so sorry Percy I wont ask again, I'm so sorry." Thalia says a few tears escaping down her face.

" its fine Thals. One day I will explain, but not just yet." I say before turning back to a MIllie who has a sad look in there eyes before whispering in my ear something that would help rebuild by broken heart and yet shatter it at the same time.

" Maybe they your mum will meet mine and they can be friend." I sad smile covering her face. " I'm shore they would be great friends Mills, I'm shore they would."

Later on that day

I had just made dinner for all the hunters, so all my chores for the day except one feeding the wolves. I was also a bit suspicious as the hunters hadn't done any prank on me today so I was starting to get worried. 

I walk in to be greeted by Artemis's wolves growl at me, last time I fed them I just chucked the food at them and left as quickly as possible, as not to be confused as food. However as I'm about to leave I notice the Tent door wont open and the Laughing of the hunters.

Now there just trying to get me killed. Then form among the wolves a brown one approaches. By the way the other wolves act around him I know he is defiantly the alpha, and I know form being in lupa's   pack that he wont like me hear one bit. So I do the only thing that will keep me alive, even if it will expose another of my secrets. 

I shift into my pure black wolf, and growl. I know what your thinking when did I become a werewolf, well let me tell you Lupa's blessing does make changing to a wolf a hell of a lot easier, That right due to Lupa's blessing I can transform into a wolf.

So as I stand in my wolf form, covered in pure black fur with glowing sea green eyes and stare down the brown wolf. I growl at him threatening violence, at this the brown wolf notably steps back. I then use my wolf glare to intimidate him, and it obviously worked as he suddenly bows down in respect and loyalty.

 Every other wolf follow his lead as they now I am stronger  then there old alpha and think me as there alpha. That is not what I wanted to happen. I then lay down attempting to sleep as I know the hunters wont let me out until dawn.

Just before I'm about to go to sleep I feel the pack come and lay around me and suddenly there are a couple of small bundles pressed against my side. I look down and notice some wolf pups asleep against me. I instinctively curl my body around them so that they will be warm and safe and fall asleep, with the rest of the pack around us.

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