chapter three

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As I'm walking to the border of camp alone not even Chiron likes me any more , I'm alone, so alone. Suddenly something fly's at me and knocks me unconscious. Not before I see the cruel eyes of Mathew string happily down at me.

I'm brought back to the world by cold water being dumped on me, even though I don't get wet its still a shock. As I go to move I realize I cant, I'm tied to a tree. I try to brake the bonds holding me until a figure come's out of the shadows.

The moment he comes into view, I know who he is. Mathew. As he walks closer to me I know something bad is going to happen by the way he is smiling at me... he never smiles at me. I then understand why he is smiling at me. 

" Hello traitor. Hello Murderer. Hello son of the mother Earth." He says to me still smiling his cold and feral grin. I just ignore him, I'm to broken to care. "Hello killer. Hello hero." he said the last two word with such hate but I ignore him. As if he notices that I don't care, he then pulls out a celestial bronze knife but it looks familiar. Its Annabeth's knife. Thinking about her makes another wave of pain come over me worse then the river Styx.

"Lets see if your this quite in a minute" he says in tone that I know I'm abut to experience more pain then I ever have. I try and reach riptide but I'm bound by celestial bronze chains. Then he rips off my shirt to reveal my sculptured chest, and places the tip of the knife against my throat.  "how many people died in the wars because of you" he says and then pain shoots up my left arm as he carves the word killer into my arm. I bite my lip to keep the screams in, I will not give him the satisfaction.

"How many people did you send of to war and for them to never came back." He spits out as he carves the word murderer in to my other arm. All I feel is pain as the images of all my dead friends names appear in my mind. I just feel numb as he carves the truth into my skin. "how many are gone because of you." he says as the words my fault are carved into my abdomen, as blood runs down my body in streams because of the truths carved into my ruined body and flesh. And monster carved and written on my ribs to describe what I have always been.                   A monster.

As tears stream down my face, from the pain that is building inside my body. Still I don't scream I will not let him see me weak I will not give in to is cruel and twisted acts. As he chucks water on me so I wont pass out, he want's me to be awake and feel all the pain form what he is about to do to me.

" Do you know Percy this is all you fault  because you are heartless and you deserve this." Those are his last words to me before he carves heartless on my skin above my heart. As he finishes of cutting me like you would put paint of canvas.

" I will kill everyone you love here one day and you wont be here to save them Percy Jackson." He says in such a calm tone that I know he is not joking, as he unlocks my chains and I fall on the floor not able to hold my weight with so much pain coursing through my body. The air is knocked out of me as I feel the precise strokes of Annabeth's danger in between my soldier blades.

Well he can't ruin my back any more that it already is that was ruined by Gabe long ago. As he turns me over so now I can see into his evil and cruel eyes. He leans down and place Annabeth's dagger in the middle of my chest just bellow my heart, and brings his mouth to my ear and whispers just loud enough so I can hear. "Love always leaves the biggest scar."

He pushes down on the knife, and that is when I let all the pain out I scream a blood curdling scream as the knife is withdrawn from were is was shoved ruthlessly in to my chest and the world gets darker because of blood loss. The last thing I see is the real cruel and feral Mathew with a triumphant smile plastered on his face. And then the world go's black.

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