Chapter twenty-eight

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Percy's P.O.V

Everything hurt. My body was on fire, pain overwhelmed my sense and I welcomed the darkness that followed.

I woke up and to put it bluntly I felt like I just had a hellhound had sat on me. Believe when I say it hurts. I tried opening my eyes but quickly shut them because of the light blinding me, and let out a groan. After some time I managed to open my eye's, and took in my surroundings.

I was in a average sized room laying on a bed, however one question came to mind. Where in hades am I ? Also why am I in this room? Then my memorise came flooding back, the werewolf, the blood. As if to confirm by injuries my entire torso was bandaged, I don't even want to think about what that looks like.

Okay I got to sit up come on, but with only small movement my torso burned with pain. Eventually after a lot of heavy breathing and words that would make even the gods blush I was finally sitting up , only got to stand up and walk now. Yay. 

Come on its just a little scratch you can get up.3...2...1..... and up. I quickly looked down to see what i was wearing to find that I was not wearing the same clothes that I was in, I  now wearing some sweatpants and the bandages snaking up my chest and that was all.

Now lets find out where I am. I opened the door to the room I woke up in and peered out, I was facing a hallway with multiple rooms dotted down it. Slowly as not to aggravate my already hurting injurie I began slowly walking, examining as I the walls as I went along.

I finally came across the end of the corridor, however there was another door leading of somewhere else. I opened the door curiosity overcoming the lingering worry of what could be on the other side and stepped through.

Then I'm standing in front of the gods in all my injured glory. However I have learnt my lesson never go throught a mystic door as it could lead you to a place of grumpy, bored, angry ego filled gods. I guess I can see my family so its not all bad.

I quickly spot the hunters stood by arty's throne, looking worried whilst the gods talk amongst themselves. Deciding I cant be bothered to show my presence, I walk over to the hearth.

  I notice that Hestia is not happy, she seems miserable , worry lines etched into her immortal face.I sit down enjoying the warmth of fire, and try to gain her attention. "Mum. Mum." She does not look up form the coals but I see her eyes glass over with  unshed tears. " Mother." This finally gets her attention and she look up, a smile lighting up her face.

I'm then engulfed in a hug, the smell of fire and wood filling my nostrils. " my boy, never scare me like that again, I thought you were dead, you stupid reckless child, you cant leave us yet."  I know she is crying I can feel the tears dropping onto the uncovered skin on my shoulder.

I return the hug with equal love. " I'm sorry, I will be more careful next time."  I give her a sheepish smile, that her has her returning a loved filled one. " there better not be next time." 

I smile at mums words, but turn back to the council curious as to what going on. " What are they going on about know."  whatever it is it has to do with the hunters. " you actually. We weren't to happy with you being hurt, so we asked what happened, then thunder pants claims the you are unfit for your job bla bla."

I laugh at the, good that I'm not the only one who does not worship the ground Zeus walks on.  " I guess I better say hello to everyone." A mischievous smile appearing on my face.

I melt into the shadows appear right next to the hunters, casually standing like I had been here the whole time. " So what I missed." I don't think I've seen so many hunters have mini heart attacks, and jump with fright so suddenly. I cant help the smile that forms on my face, but quickly goes when I have about 20 hunters piled on top me in some form of a hug.

"get off your heavy, gosh your trying to kill me." However I cant help but let a small chuckle at the antics, but I am grateful when I can finally let air into my lungs. " guess you missed me. "  I chorus of no's, and not really could be heard but you couldn't hide the joy that they actually felt.

I then turn around to be engulfed into another set of arms. " Son don't scare us all like this again, its to early for you to visit my realm." I smile and return lord Hades hug. Once I'm realised form his bear hug, I walk over to Hera who is trying desperately not to cry. I give her a hug, which she gives back latching onto me, as if to make sure I'm real.  

" I'm real don't worry, I couldn't leave you and my family." I smile tugs at the corner of her mouth and we release each other. I then turn to find my sister death staring me, I might have just come back but I don't know for how long now.

" Don't you dare think about scaring me again like that again." I quickly nod my head, but not before Aphrodite gets her own back for me scaring her. My once raven black hair is now pink. PINK!!!!. This dye takes forever to wash out.  " turn my hair back now ."  " Nope." Then she was gone.

Lady Artemis P.O.V

I stared at the scene in front of me, Percy was laying on the sofa Millie, Maisy , Katie laying on top and next to him all asleep. They all looked so cute together, especially Percy's hair where the tips were pink due to the dye not coming of. I quickly took a picture, smiling at  the memory I just captured, even if Percy didn't know it had happened.

Then Thalia spoke up from next to me. " I don't think he has realised that with or without trying he has brought the hunt closer than it ever was." Listening to the words Thalia just spoke I couldn't help but agree.

Hellooooo thanks for sticking with the story even though I haven't posted in ages and thanks for being so supportive and lovely. Thank you for all the comments and messages you are all lovely people who disserve an unlimited amount of blue cookies. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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