Chapter twenty-two

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Percy's P.O.V

I was just walking back from doing my chores for the day, enjoying the peacefulness of the forest. The grass beneath my feet, the scent of flowers clogging my nose, and the avoiding of the many traps the hunters have set out for me. Well that may not be that peaceful but when your a demigod you cant complain.

I'm not in the centre of camp but something wrong, I learnt to trust my instincts and right now they are telling me something is wrong. As if to confirm my suspicions a bright flash suddenly blinds me and a godly aura appears.

In front of me sitting on the ground with tears falling, carving rivers down her sorrow filled face it the goddess Hera. My adopted mother.

I instantly run up to the sobbing goddess and cradle her in my arms, angered at what could have caused my mother so much grief for her to come into another goddess domain and area without permission.

  "What's wrong ." I say as softly as I can to encourage her to tell me what is wrong. " Ze-zeus  h-he woman ch-cheat m-me." she doesn't need to say anymore I understand what she was saying. I quickly scoop her up and carry her to my tent her head buried into my chest.

Once I lay her down on my bed and I walkout leaving an asleep goddess inside my tent. How dare he, the pompous big head piece of ... I'm going to shove his lightning bolt so far up his arse his teeth will be crackling with lightning.

" Lady Artemis." I call out, as I see her by the fire pit . " I am requesting leave I have some business that I need to tend to." I say noticing how her eyes widen in an emotion I can decipher. I then relies I must be giving out n aurora of anger, and I have every right to be angry who ever Herts my family is asking to die.

" Has this got anything to do with why Lady Hera is inside your tent and was crying earlier." Lady Artemis asks me curiosity evident in her voice.  " Yes milady it does."  " Then you are free to do what you need to do." I nod in response and run into a shadow to be transported to the Olympian throne room.

There he is the all mighty god of thunder, sitting on is throne. A dark chuckle escapes my lips, echoing across the thrown room sounding ore sinister as it goes on, setting zeus on edge. " Oh zeusy what have you been up to now." I say in a mocking tone whilst stepping out of the shadows that once cocooned me in there cold embrace. " do you know that I was in the hunters camp walking around as you do until i came across my mother lying on the floor sobbing." I say my voice slowly get louder as my anger and rage build. While Zeus shift nervously on his thrown.

" and do you know what she managed to say between sobs  oh king of the gods. That you decided that your wife was not god enough for you and that another women would be a good past time hey zuesy." at this point Zeus is looking on In fear and guilt.

" How dare you brake her heart like that, I bet that if Mom had gone of with another man you would have been furious and sent your lightning bolt straight at them am I right."  A look of guilt crosses his face before anger consumes and he shouts at me trying to sound impressive but to me it only fuels my already increasing anger.

" How dare you talk to the king of the gods like that I should blast you to hades realm for that." My response is a taunt and a challenge all in one, begging the king of the gods to throw is tooth pick at me. " I dare you." My voice coming out sinister even to my ears.  

Then the rooms seems to fill with the smell of ozone an all my hairs stand up on end. Realizing what he is about to do I kneel down, and pull out my 2 swords and put them in front of me in a x position. Then the king of the gods lightning bolt slams into my 2 swords, making me grit my teeth because of the effort to keep my swords up due to the power I am blocking.

The effort stops as suddenly as it started and the bolt is sent flying straight back at its owner, hitting him straight in the chest knocking him of his thrown. " Do you know what happens when you fatal flaw breaks or is misused Zeus. It can be turned into hatred that can cause death and pain or can be increased so that it is even more potent in someone. I will warn you once do not harm or misuse any of my family or you will face my hatred, beware of what has happened to my  fatal flaw Zeus." 

I then flam travel into camp, my anger still rolling of me in waves scaring some hunters in the process I have only one thing on my mind though. Mom. I quickly walk over to my tent and peek inside, but only see my mother asleep. I then stand guard the rest of the night outside my tent to protect one of the people i hold close.

6 weeks since Hera came to camp 9 weeks since Percy started guarding the hunt

Zeus Hasn't come out of his palace since the day me and him had our little chat and mom had gone back to Olympus, However even this cant make me happy. I have been going through Hades with these hunters, I'm pranked daily but as the weeks started to go on they started to become more and more dangerous.

It would start of with the just a trip wire hear and there, an arrow shot when I'm not looking but that was all. However know it getting bad it's more like a ditch there and a dozen arrows shot here, a hidden monster being realised when I'm unarmed.

I don't tell Lady Artemis this, or Thalia and the twins, also Millie, they don't need to know. Some of the younger hunters have warmed up to me though I give them piggy back rides when I'm in wolf form and help them out with weapons training, but still the older hunter loathe me with limitless hate.

Right now though I'm wondering  through the forest where were camped waiting for the next prank to happen. As if sensing my thoughts a dozen arrows are shot out of a nearby bush heading straight toward me, I quickly leap out only to have one to catch my thigh and I let out a grunt of pain.

However as I'm dodging arrows I don't realise the trap the girls have made .When I move away form 1 arrow only form my foot to catch on a snare, causing spikes to be released right into my shin and side.

Know limping I try to escape only to run into a ginormous hellhound. I quickly run in the direction of camp with the hellhound at my heals its rotten breath on the back of my neck. My heart pumping the adrenalin slowly wearing of, the pain increasing. The branches seemingly reaching out and trying to snare me in there wooden embrace, as I charge through the forest.

I finally reach the hunters camp my breathing irregular, heart pounding only to be tackled by the hellhound. On instinct I reach for my knife and stab it through the heart as it disintegrates into flecks of golden dust to be scattered into the air.

I stand my legs protesting with pain and exhaustion. Blood falling down my face into my eye from a cut above my eyebrow that I didn't know I had. I look up and stare at all the hunters all gathered in one place, young and old, goddess and demigod and truly look at them.

I let them she how broken I am I show them how much pain I am in I take of the happy mask I wear and show them how much hatred and torture I have experienced. I open my face to emotion for the first time since being her and show them what I really feel. I am broken and it is written across my face and they finally see it.

I then talk in a dark voice thick with emotion good and bad. " what right do you have to put me through this pain, you are no better then some men doing this. Have you wondered why I joined the hunt, I escaped one torture to go to another." All the hunters look at me in shock, probably because I'm covered in blood and look horrible and dangerous.   

"You say you are better than men and yet you have acted like the things you hate, hurting someone who hasn't done anything wrong, not showing any respect, not caring about someone else. what have i done wrong? Have I harmed any of you? I have done everything you have asked, and this is what I get. Ha just my luck. Goodbye hunters, Lady Artemis"

I then melt into the shadows.

Percy Jackson guardian of the huntWhere stories live. Discover now