chapter nineteen

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Percy's P.O.V

Darkness, pain, blood. The whistle as a whip speed through the air and creates groves and scars against my back. The laughter of a drunken man. The bruises, the broken bones and ribs. The screams of a innocent boy. The palace of night and it's tortures, the curse of the broken one. The pain as each slash of a dagger as it wrights a bit of who I am down on my already scarred back.

I wake up drenched in sweat my breathing irregular. I'm tortured by people in the day and dreams and memory's by night. I only have 2 hours left till dawn but I now I wont be able to sleep now. I try to even out my breathing but all I see are images. Gabe, the secret tortures of Tartarus, my scarred body. It is all to much.

I walk out of my tent and stare at the star filled skilled sky captured by there beauty. The wind feeling like needles against  bare chest, but I don't care. And I look up and whisper, emotion think in my voice. " Bob says hello." I then walk back into my tent with the thoughts of torture and pain following me.

As Apollo starts his daily journey into the sky I feel Lady Artemis's Presence approach my tent. I am already dressed so I wait for her to fetch me and assign me my task for the day. When I hear her foot steps just outside my tent I walk out to the shock of lady Artemis.

Her facial her expression makes me want to burst out laughing but I stop myself from doing so, Me Percy Jackson doing  something smart right I hope your proud of me. " good morning Milady"  My voice coming out deep and husky.

After I spoke and the shock had subsided Lady Artemis spoke. " Here is a your chores for the day if you do not complete them all you will have to do more tomorrow am I clear Perseus. I flinch at her use of my full name but nod my head in understanding and take the list of chores. Let me put it this way, I am not going to be bored.

I head of to the armoury crossing the clearing and still asleep hunters, hopping head start on sharpening the hunters arrows before I have to  make the breakfast. As I walk into the tent  containing all the arrows " sweat blue cookies! How many arrows do these man haters go through." I say under my breath, then checking that no hunter heard me so I don't get skewed by a rogue arrow.

After an hour of sharpening arrows and feeling like my arms are about to fall of its time to go and make the hunters and lady Artemis breakfast oh joy. I approach and enter the food tent to be greeted by a few glares, a happy look from Millie and the twins, a cold look from Artemis and what I would describe as a Thalia look from Thalia.

To describe a Thalia look its a cross between a glare, with a bit of happy to see you look, and to finish it hint of come near me I will kill you. Ah good old pinecone face.

I decided to be nice today so I summoned them a buffet. They all quickly grabbed what they wanted and started eating including Lady Artemis. I then waked of to the nearest river and asked permission if I could wash the hunters clothes in the water nymphs river  she agreed.

Even though I'm no longer a son of Poseidon they still respect me, and most of the times they shocked when I'm polite to then, which I find good that they think I'm polite and bad that they think some would be rude and horrible to them. That upsets me.  I then start on the mountain of washing.

After washing every single piece of the hunters clothing except there pant and stuff I'm not even going to go near them, they can wash them themselves. Might I say though it was so boring and really hard work. I used my water powers to wash them a fire powers to dry them of. It was ok through, I kept my self entertained by thinking of ways to kill monsters and really, really irritating people.

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