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Zayn’s POV

The way she greeted all her elders by joining her palms and bowing, surely pointed that she was a traditional girl.  She sat down in between her parents and lifted her gaze to me. She caught me staring at her in awe. She was beautiful...Almost angelic. I passed her a slight smile, which she returned. Observation no. 1: She was a shy girl!

She served us tea and snacks, which we gladly ate. Harry, who was having the samosas for the first time, said “These are delicious! Who made em?”

The girl’s mum proudly looked at her and answered him, “She did..” and the girl straightened at that. She whispered to her mum, “Mum, don’t embarrass me...Please!” But it was loud enough for me to hear and I had to try all I got to suppress my chuckle.

Third person’s POV

“Beta... Why don’t you show Zayn around our garden?” Devika’s dad asked and she shot him a surprised look, but she finally agreed.

 She stood up and smiled at me, “This way, please”. Zayn found this really cute and polite. He liked her already! Harry nudged him to get up from the sofa, which he did and followed her.

She opened a white door and asked Zayn to go first. He was awed at the sight. There was the greenest place he’d seen in a while. It was beautiful and colourful, with all the flowers. It seemed out of a fairy tale- there were butterflies too. There was a faint smell of freshly dug earth. Zayn was in his happy place. He smiled at her and asked, “You a fan of gardening?” She nodded her head and answered, “Yeah...It’s my way of relieving stress...” She returned the smile.

There was faint wind outside which teased the few strands of hair falling on her face. She was beautiful- Zayn felt so. Some kind of gut feeling told him that he would be happy with this girl.

Zayn cleared his throat and said, “We haven’t introduced ourselves. I’m Zayn, Zayn Malik. You might’ve seen me from the band, One Direction...” I began

She never removed that smile from her face. “I’m Devika Sharma. You can’t have seen me anywhere...” She chuckled and Zayn went along.

“You like our songs?” I added. She looked down and said, “No, I’m sorry...I’ve never been the fangirling types. I promise I’ll listen to some of them today” She added a slight smile and looked in to my eyes. Devika seemed lost in them for a while. The beautiful swirls of hazel and brown held her in some sort of trance. Zayn felt the same too. Her eyes told her everything that her lips didn’t!

“No worries...”Zayn managed to whisper. “So, tell me about yourself...”

“Um...You know my name now. I am an English graduate from London University!  I’ve always loved English..I would love to work after marriage, if that’s okay with you..I love my parents, love reading, gardening...That’s me...I guess...” She chuckled a bit at the end. Zayn was absolutely falling for her shy attitude deeper and deeper.

“No...I have no problem if you want to work after marriage. That’s totally up to you...” Zayn said. He had grown up with a lot of female influence in his life. He would never want his wife to feel caged or uncomfortable. Wait! Did he just call her, his wife?! Dang right, he did!

“What about you?” She broke the silence, “Tell me something about you.”

“Err...My full name’s Zayn Javaad Malik. I’m from India, like you. I was brought up in Bradford. You saw two of my sisters, Waliyha and Safaa. Then there’s my older sister, Doniya. She’s married happily.” He paused. “That’s nice” Devika commented.

Zayn nodded his head in acknowledgement and continued, “Well, I’m one-fifth of One Direction and I love the lads.” Devika smiled and nodded slowly. “Tell me about your parents...” Zayn said

“My mum is from Gujarat. And my dad’s from Delhi. That’s why I have an appearance that fits in nowhere...” She confessed

Zayn’s POV

This girl thought she was ugly?! Well, she wasn’t very confident about her looks. Wow, she must be blind not to notice how the guys would surely give her a second glance.

She told me about her parents and herself. She seemed perfect!

My mum came and told me that it was time to leave. We went back to the living room and my sisters passed a wide smile to Devika. She enthusiastically smiled back. I was happy I was going to marry someone who would get along with my family. Even though, they chose her.

So, my dad and hers shared a traditional hug, indicating the marriage was fixed. Her mother rushed to the kitchen to get the sweets on hearing the good news. She took a sweet from the plate and fed a piece to my mouth and shared the same sweet with Devika. I think Waliyha caught me blushing.

It was finally time to leave and Devika passed me a slight smile, which I returned and we were off back home.

Devika’s POV

Zayn was really sweet. I could see a happy future with him. For now, I have to change and go to bed!


l'Amour sans Limites (A Zayn Malik Love story)Where stories live. Discover now