
978 38 7


Zayn’s POV

I’ve landed in New York, cuz we were having a holiday for few weeks. I stayed in a hotel and every day, I would wander around the city, hoping to find her.

It’s been 4 days since my treasure hunt started, but no sign of her.

I headed towards Brooklyn area today and decided to spend the day there with my disguise- a moustache and shades.

I walked past a high school and away from it. I turned left and right and crossed the road and suddenly, I spotted a black head in front of me.

My breathing stopped...The whole world did too

After 5 very long years, I got to catch a glimpse of her.

She got out of her taxi cab and paid the driver, giving him a sweet smile and turned around. She wore a black dress with beautiful designs near her chest area, hugging her petite figure. Her brown black hair was in curls

I was surprised that after being so famous, she worked as a teacher.

Snapping out of my trance, I crossed the road, nearly getting hit by cars and drivers swearing at me. I just ignored all of that and walked inside the school. Devika had already walked into her homeroom I guess.

I wander around the school until I walk into a door with a sign reading ‘Classroom 14-B. Mrs. Malik’

Could this be?

The blinds were open on the small glass plate on the door and I peeked inside through it.

I saw her and heard her. I could clearly hear her sweet voice through the door and I heard her class. I would watch her until she would be free.

I could clearly hear every single word she said and every single thing she taught her students.

She sat up from her chair and resumed her class,

“Okay, have you copied down the drawing of the female duct system?” She asked loudly and the class chorused, “Yes, Mrs. Malik!” and she smiled and said, “Good!” Wow, she’s a biology teacher! And the current topic seemed to be Human Reproduction!

“Pop quiz time!” She said in a cheery voice and the entire class groaned.

“Hey! You say the answer, you get snicker bars! Think again before you groan!” She said teasingly to her students and I heard the entire class chuckle. I expect they nodded, cuz Devika’s face lit up and she proceeded to the questions.

“I’ll ask and the students, who know their answers, lift up their arms in the air, yeah?” Devika instructed and took out a box from inside her desk. I saw that it was a box of snicker bars. She was quite a versatile teacher.

“First question! List the secondary sexual characters in a...male!” She asked loudly and her eyes widened. I turned to get a small view of the number of students raising their hands...and it was a lot!

“Mr. Morgan, why don’t you give it a shot?” Devika asked.

I heard a voice recite, “Hair growth, broadening of chest aaaaaand...development of Adam’s apple!”

“That’s amazing, here you go!” She exclaimed and tossed a snicker bar towards the class.

After few more questions, and an empty chocolate box later, the electronic bell rang and she announced, “That’s it! We’ll continue this in the next class! Be prepared, okay? And be on your best behaviour, please! I want my homeroom students to be the most perfect batch in this school, got it?” She asked.

“Yes, Mrs. Malik” They said and she grabbed her bag and came towards the door. I was so mesmerised after seeing her face after years that I didn’t notice her hands turning the doorknob and the door hit me flat on the face.

I was on the floor on my back and I saw Devika turning to close the door. The pain on my face was unbearable so I let out an “Ow!” and Devika turned around startled and with wide eyes.

“I’m sorry” She said and I lifted my hands from my face and revealed it to her.

Her eyes and mouth formed an O shape and the books dropped from her hand. She stood as still as a statue on seeing me.

“Surprise?” I say stupidly, but no response!

A/N: Short, but effective I guess :\ ;D Fan. Comment. Vote. Follow.!! Check external link :D

l'Amour sans Limites (A Zayn Malik Love story)Where stories live. Discover now