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Devika’s POV

I heard the electronic bell at the school go off, signalling that it was recess. I announced, “That’s it! We’ll continue this in the next class! Be prepared, okay? And be on your best behaviour, please! I want my homeroom students to be the most perfect batch in this school, got it?”

“Yes, Mrs. Malik”, they chorused.

I turned for the door and twisted the door handle and opened it and walked out. I turned around and closed it, so it wouldn’t make a noise. Just then, I heard a faint, “Ow!” and I turned around and instinctively said, “I’m Sorry”

A man was on the floor with jet black hair, his eyes covering his face. His hands slowly left it, revealing his face.

I literally froze on seeing his face after almost 5 years. My hands were numb and I heard faint thuds of the books tumbling to the floor out of my grasp.

“Surprise?” He said cheekily with a stupid grin, but I stood as still as a statue.

My breathing finally became normal and I looked at him in shock. His grin had now faded and in its place was now a frown. His eyes shone with regret and sadness.

I didn’t say anything and walked off from there. I walked straight into the Principal’s office and took a leave for the rest of the day. I went to my office and took my handbag and walked out.

I guess Zayn saw me, and he started following me. I didn’t speak anything to him. I decided to walk home, but then I realised that I didn’t want him to know where I lived, so I finally turned around.

I put a confused and annoyed expression on my face and asked him sternly, “Why are you here?”

He mumbled something incoherent and I repeated more fiercely this time, “I repeat, why are you here?!”

He lifted his gaze from the ground and saw that his eyes were full of tears. On the outside, I put up an act like it didn’t bother me, but on the inside, I was completely shattered.

I tapped my foot annoyingly, waiting for an answer and he started speaking. It felt so good to hear his voice again after a long time.

“Devika....I’m sorry....There’s a lot to explain behind why I left you. Please l-listen to m-me...” He said and he started sniffing as he ended.

“Listen to you?! Why on earth would I listen to you, Zayn?! You left me, with no explanations or reasons, whatsoever!” I started raging.

“I can explain, lov-“he started speaking, but I interrupted, “Love? Do you even know the worth of that word?”

He didn’t say anything, but grabbed my hand in his big ones and pulled me with him. His grip was so strong that I had no option but to follow.

“Zayn! Stop, leave my hand!” I threatened. But he just kept pulling me. He finally stopped and I saw that we were at the park.

He pulled me under a tree, where there weren’t many people and let go of my hand. A surge of anger coursed through me and my hands went in contact with his tan cheeks.

I slapped him.

I put so much force into the slap that his head bolted in the direction of force. His right hand lifted and he brought his palms to his right cheek, where I’d slapped him.

I was breathing heavily in anger.

His head slowly came back to his normal position, his hands still on his cheeks. His eyes showed hurt and pain, the hazel orbs shone with unshed tears.

I could hear his breathing in slow gasps.

“I don’t need your pathetic explanations!” I whispered angrily and bolted out of the place.

I reached home in record time and saw that Sanaya had brought Khushi home and was in the kitchen. She called out to me, “Devika! I brought your car from the auto repairer! You owe me $250!”

“Yeah! I’ll pay you after I shower!”I hollered back and bent down to give Khushi a kiss on her cheek. She gladly gave one in return and I ran upstairs.

I yanked my clothes off and stepped in the shower and let the warm water cascade over me.

I ran my hand through my hair once and stood there, not moving at all; thinking what my life has come down to.

I closed my eyes and stood there under the shower for god knows how long and started bathing finally. After a solid half an hour, I stepped out in warm comfy clothes and went downstairs.

“So rahi thi kya bathroom ke andhar? (Where you sleeping inside the bathroom?)” Sanaya joked and Khushi started giggling. As soon as I heard that, my mood lifted and smiled at them.

We sat down for food and started eating. “I’m so sorry, yaar! You have to do all the cooking alone”

Sanaya shrugged and replied, “Its ok. I enjoy it though!”

We ate our dinner silently, which was unusual for us.

We all sat down on the sofa and watched TV. There was some Barbie movie going on, so Khushi started watching that interestingly.

I felt Sanaya sneaking glances at me so I mouthed her, “What?”

She whispered to me slightly, “Something’s wrong....Tell me”

I sighed and said, “I....I met Zayn today”

“What?” She exclaimed out loud.

“Maussi, Shhhhh” Khushi said keeping her tiny finger on her pink lips.

“Sorry, beta” She smiled fakely and turned to me and mouthed, “What?”

“He said he wanted to explain...He pulled me with him to the park, I got angry and slapped him. He didn’t move, so I left him there...He was crying” I said softly to her, my eyes somewhere afar

“He cried?” Sanaya asked softly, emotion lacing her voice.

I nodded.

“Listen to him, Devika. Maybe he deserves a chance...You won’t know until you hear him out, right?” She asked and I nodded.

I’m gonna listen to Zayn.

 A/N: Dedicated to tiyardise bcuz it was her birthday the other day! :D Thanks love, for keeping up with my boring works! :D Check external link, readers!

















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