Chapter five

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When they got back to Dean's apartment, Charlie helped him get a bag of ice.

"You good?" she asked.

"I'm fine," Dean said. She nodded and left. Dean sat next to Cas on the couch, resting his head on the back and pressing the ice to his nose.

"I'm really sorry, Dean," Cas apologized again.

"Don't be, Cas. It wasn't your fault. And it's just a bloody nose. I've had worse," Dean said. The pain began to fade and he took the ice off his nose.

"Okay. I'm gonna go change and then make us some food. Do you need anything?" he asked. Cas shook his head.

"No, I'm fine, Dean," he said. Dean nodded and started down the hall. He changed his clothes and washed his face, staring at his reflection in the mirror for a moment. He closed his eyes, thinking back on his conversations with Charlie.

"Dean, don't you dare."

"What are you talking about, Charlie?"

"I saw the way you just looked at him. You can't do that. He won't be staying forever, and he's not gay. You can't fall in love with him, it won't end well for either of you."

"I know, Charlie. I'm not in love with him. And even if I was, I know better than to act on it this time. I've learned my lesson."

"You know I didn't want to bring that up. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I know. Someone just came in, I should go."

Dean closed his eyes for a second then headed back out to the living room.

"Okay, what do you want to eat, Cas?" he asked. Cas stood up.

"I can eat anything. Whatever you want is fine," he said. Dean nodded and headed into the kitchen. He evaluated what food he had, then grabbed a frozen pizza and stuck it in the oven.

"Okay. Pizza's in the oven," he said, walking back into the living room. Cas smiled.

"The frozen pizza?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" Dean replied.

"I've never had a frozen pizza before. My mom always thought..." Cas trailed off. Dean watched him. This was the first time he'd mentioned his family. Or anything else about his life before Dean had found him.

"Yeah?" Dean asked softly.

"She thought it was too messy," Cas finished, mumbling. He rubbed his arm.

"Well, I am going to greatly enjoy being here for your first pizza experience," Dean said, trying to cheer Cas up.

Dean did, in fact, greatly enjoy Cas' first pizza experience. Cas got tomato sauce all over his face when he accidentally missed his mouth, causing Dean to snort beer out of his nose, which is not an experience he would recommend. He had to help Cas get all the sauce off his face, which Cas was embarrassed about, but overall he seemed to enjoy the pizza. After they ate, Cas went to bed and Dean sat on the couch. For a moment, he thought about texting Sam, but then he decided against it. He watched TV for a while, then lay out on the couch and went to sleep.


Dean woke up to the sound of a thud and a muttered string of curses. He sat up to see Cas sitting up in the hallway, rubbing his head.

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