Chapter seventeen

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Dean knew something was up, but he didn't know how to ask Charlie what was wrong. They were halfway to the showing room when Cas spoke.

"You know, I think- I think I'm going to just wait out here," Cas said. Everyone turned to look at him.

"For two hours? If you don't want to go in, we can all leave," Dean said. Cas shook his head.

"No you guys go ahead. I'm not dragging you here just to turn around and drag you away. Just point me to a bench and I'll be fine," Cas said.

"Cas I don't want to-"

"Dean, just let me be, okay?" Cas snapped. Dean blinked in astonishment. He had never heard Cas speak like that to anyone, and it hurt that it was directed at him.

"O-Okay. I... I'll get us some seats," Dean said, turning and walking into the showing room.


The movie had barely started and Dean already wanted to leave and find Cas, but he didn't think the feeling was mutual. So he forced himself to sit there the whole time. After they left Dean couldn't tell you what the movie was about, all he knew was he wanted to know if Cas was okay.

Cas didn't say anything when they retrieved him from the bench, and no one else seemed to know what to say either. Eventually Charlie struck up a conversation, but Dean barely heard anything.


"It's still pretty early. We could keep reading The Fault in Our Stars, if you want," Dean said as they got home that evening. Cas paused, thinking.

"Okay, I guess," he said, sitting down. Dean grabbed the book and sat down across from Cas. It wasn't exactly the reaction Dean had hoped for, but it was better than nothing, so he dove in. He didn't know exactly how long he'd been reading, but when Cas spoke, it felt like it had only been a few minutes.

"I'm actually kind of tired. I think I'm just going to go to bed," he said, standing up. Dean closed the book.

"Oh. Okay. Do you want help getting to your room?" He asked, standing up also.

"I'm not a baby, Dean," Cas said. Dean blinked.

"I- I didn't say you were. Cas, is something wrong?" He asked.

"I'm fine," Cas said sharply, turning and walking away before Dean could say anything. Dean sank back down onto his seat, staring after Cas, fighting back the tears in his eyes. He wish he knew what he'd done.

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