Chapter twenty

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Cas couldn't believe it. After Charlie had forced him to talk and Dean said he didn't care... everything had gone back to normal. Cas sat at his table in the bakery every day, Charlie took them to do something outrageous each night, and then Dean and Cas would come home, and Dean would read to Cas until they decided to go to bed. It was perfect.

"You know what would be great? Going to a gay bar," Charlie said one day.

"Charlie, no. Let it go, okay? You've been asking every day for the last week, it's not happening," Dean told her.

"I think it's a good idea," Cas chimed in.

"Really?" Dean asked. "I mean, it just doesn't seem like you would enjoy yourself at a gay bar." Cas smiled.

"Dean, you have done so much for me. The least I can do is try not to hold you back. This could be fun, maybe you'll meet someone," he said.

"Listen to Cas. We are going to have so much fun!" Charlie exclaimed. Dean sighed.

"Fine," he agreed. So, after the bakery had closed, they all got into the car - the Impala this time, Dean had refused to ride in Charlie's bug any more - and away they went. Cas was rather excited; he was glad Dean had a chance to have fun without Cas weighing him down.

All Cas could really tell about the place was that it was loud. He and Dean and Charlie took up places at the bar, but Charlie left quickly.

"Dear god, she's dancing," Dean said, chuckling.

"Is she a bad dancer?" Cas asked.

"The worst. But she owns it," Dean said. Cas smiled.

"Hey there. Can I buy you a drink?" Cas turned towards the new voice and didn't answer, assuming the man was talking to Dean.

"Sorry, Cas isn't gay, and he's also totally oblivious," Dean said after a few seconds of silence. Cas started.

"What? He was talking to me? Why?" Cas demanded. Dean laughed.

"Okay, Cas, I'm going to let you in on a secret. You're hot," Dean said. Cas tilted his head.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah. In a gay bar, you're a magnet. Enjoy it, it's rare," Dean said. Cas smiled and Dean chuckled. "Well now you're just throwing it in people's faces. You're really cute when you smile, Cas."

"Well you aren't too bad looking yourself," Cas said.

"Ok, Cas, you're my best friend. But sorry if I don't take your word for how good I look. I don't exactly consider you a reliable source on the matter," Dean said. Cas laughed.

"I suppose you have a point," he said.

"I'm gonna go find Charlie. Stay here till I get back, okay?" Dean said.

"Okay," Cas replied. So Cas sat by himself for a second until someone sat down next to him.

"Hey," they said.

"Dean?" Cas asked. It was hard to hear over all the talking and music in the room. There was a small pause.

"Yeah. Let's go outside," Dean suggested.

"Oh. Okay," Cas said. Dean took Cas' arm and lead him outside.

"Is Charlie still in there?" Cas asked.

"Charlie found himself a friend," Dean said, and Cas froze. He could hear clearly now... and that wasn't Dean.

"Who are you? Let go of me!" Cas tried to pull away, but Not-Dean tightened his grip.

"Calm down, honey. Just relax," Not-Dean purred. Cas was finding it hard to breathe, he was terrified. Where was Dean? Cas struck out at the man, but he easily dodged it and punched Cas in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Cas managed to pull away and was about to run when Not-Dean slapped him so hard he fell down. Not-Dean pulled Cas up and pinned him against the wall, his hands above his head. Cas struggled to get away, starting to cry, but Not-Dean was stronger than he was. Cas felt a hand starting to undo his pants, so he did the only other thing he could think of. Cas screamed.

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