Chapter 1

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"Hey Nikki I took extra food do you want any" Becky asked as she took a seat next to her best friend "sure thank you" Nikki replied as takes the apple slice. "Look at those giants walking around like they own the place" Becky grumbled as she took a bite out of her apple slice "they kinda do since the humans lost the war" Nikki relied as she looked over at her friend. "Yeah I know Nikki you don't have to remind me" Becky said annoyed as she stands up and walks over to the glass "one day me and you well get out of here" Becky said as she hits the glass with her fist.

As Nikki was about to say something the store door opens causing all the humans to freeze in fear "Mr. Hutchison what brings you here" the store owner asked as he rushes. "I'm here looking for a companion" Mr. Hutchison replied as he walked past the store owner as he heads over to the empty fish tanks that are full of tiny humans. "Sir why don't you come to the front of the store and I well show you them" the store owner said as he grabbed his arm "what's wrong with these ones" Mr. Hutchison asked as he pulled his arm out of the spree owners grasp.

"Well nothing sir" the owner replied as the humans took off running into their tiny homes "than that case leave me alone so I can pick one" Mr. Hutchison replied as he turns his attention to the empty fish tank and that's when his eyes locked onto Nikki. "I want that one" Mr. Hutchison said as he reached in and scooped up Nikki "if you say so" the owner replied as he walked over to his desk with Mr. Hutchison close behind.

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