Chapter 12

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Couple hours later

"Ready to go to bed honey bun" Connie asked as he leaned into Adrian "yeah I'm ready" Adrian replied letting out a long yawn. "Ok I well meet you up there" Connie replied as she picked up Lucy and heads up stairs "I well just sleep down here" Nikki said looking down at he feet "come on you can sleep up there with us" Adrian chuckled as he gently scoops Nikki up and heads for the stairs.

Once Adrian walked into his room he saw Connie frowning "sweetie what's wrong" Adrian asked as he walked over and took a seat beside her. "Not to be mean but does she have to sleep with us" Connie asked as she pointed at Nikki "yeah she is, it's only fair since Lucy is" Adrian replied softly as he laid down. "Fine longs as I have you I'm happy" Connie said as she looked at Adrian with a fake smile "I'm not going anywhere" Adrian replied as he gently placed Nikki down on his pillow as she lets out a yawn.

When Adrian reached over and turned the light out Nikki crawls over and snuggles into Adrian's face. "Night sir" Nikki softly as she lets out a yawn "night little one" Adrian said as a small smile came onto his face "Connie is not going to like that" Lucy whispers to herself as she glared at Nikki.

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