Chapter 5

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"Hey there's my future son in law" Connie's mother said as she walked over and gave him a hug "hey Mrs. Conners" Adrian replied pulling back as he gave her a soft smile. "Aww who's the cutie" she asked looking a Nikki with a soft smile "my name is Nikki mam" Nikki replied giving the older lady a soft smile "go take a seat dinner should be ready soon" Mrs. Conners said as she walks over and took her seat "yes mam" Adrian replied as he walked over and took a seat next to Connie.

"You can put her on the table dear" Mrs. Conners said as Adrian gave her a nod "ok" he replied as he gently placed Nikki on the table. "So little one how long have you been with your master" Conners asked as she folded her hands together "well mam he just got me today" Nikki replied looking down at her hands. "I can see why your very cute" Mrs. Conners said causing Connie to make a fist under the table "oh about time you, I'm starved" Connie said with a fake smile as the waiters came on with the food. "I hope your hungry little one" Adrian said as he smiled down at Nikki "don't worry sir I can eat a whole pig" Nikki replied looking up at him with a small smile.

Once the food was all handed out Nikki looked around "master not to be rude but where's my plate" Nikki asked looking up at Adrian. "Hop on my plate and help yourself " Adrian replied as Nikki walks over and climbs on "thank you master" Nikki replied as she walked over and rips a pice of meat off "thanks for having us over Mrs" Nikki said as she took a bite out of the meat. "Why your welcome dear" Mrs. Conners replied as she took a bite out of her salad "Adrian honey she's a keeper" Mrs. Conners said causing her daughter to have a scowl on her face.

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