Chapter 10

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As the limo pulls up to Adrian's home Adrian hops out and helps his girlfriend out "you head on in, I'll well get the girls" Adrian said as Connie gave him a nod "ok don't keep me waiting" Connie replied as she turns around and heads for the house. "you to ready" Adrain asked as he turned his attention back to the two humans "yes we are sir" Lucy replied as she flicked her hair to the side as she walked over to Adrian's hand. "You coming Nikki" Adrian asked as Nikki turned around and looked at him "yeah I'm coming sir" Nikki said softly as she walks over and climbed o to his massive hand.

Once they were all set Adrian lifted his hand up with up to his chest and heads to the front door "what do you guys want to eat" Adrian asked looking down at the two tiny humans "hmm I want pork roast, potatoes" Lucy replied as crossed her arms as she looked up at Adrian. "What about you Nikki" Adrian asked looking down at he with gentleness in his eyes "I'm fine with anything sir" Nikki replied as a small blush onto her face as she looked away from him as they entered his home.

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