Chapter 13

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Next Day

"How's your breakfast honey" Adrian asked as he took a sip of his coffee "it's really good" Connie replied giving Adrian a small smile on her face. "What about you guys" Adrian said as he looked down at the two tiny humans "it's ok" Lucy replied shrugging her shoulders as she looked up at Adrian "I like it" Nikki replied causing Adrian to have a smile on his face. "Hey honey can you go up and get my sweater I'm freezing" Connie said as she pretend to shiver "sure" Adrian replied as he stands up and heads to the stairs, once he was out of the room Connie eyes darken dangerously at Nikki.

"Let me tell you something bug, he's my man not yours do you under stand" Connie said as she stands up and looms over Nikki. "I know you don't have to tell me" Nikki replied giving her a reassuring smile "don't be smart with be bug" Connie snapped as she grabbed Nikki and holds her in a tight fist as she lifts her up to her face. "Let me go please" Nikki cried out in pain as she tried to escape Connie's grasp "not a chance loser" Connie laughed as she started to squeeze Nikki tighter causing Nikki to bite down on Connie's finger.

"Owe" Connie screamed as she dropped Nikki on the kitchen table as Adrian comes running in "what happen" Adrian asked as he rushed over to his girlfriend with worry. "Your human bit me for no reason" Connie replied as she started to cry "it's true sir I saw her" Lucy replied as she looked up at Adrian "is that so" Adrian asked as he walks over to Nikki and picked her up the back of her shirt "yes I did bite her but I had a good reason" Nikki said as Adrian walks out of the kitchen and heads to his office "hush" Adrian said very annoyed.

Once Adrian walked in his office he picked up a small tin box "your going to stay in here until you learn your lesson" Adrian said as he dropped her inside and closed the lid. "I did it to protect my self master, you got to believe me" Nikki whimpers as he felt the box getting put down, "you got to let me out I get very closterphobic"Nikki whimpers as she takes a seat "I well be back in 20 minutes to get you" Adrian replied as he walk out of the room with his head down.

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