Chapter 21

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When he movie was over Adrian gently scoops Nikki up "ready for bed" Adrian asked as he gave her soft smile. "Yes I am big guy" Nikki replied as she grabbed a hold of Adrian and gently kissed his bottom lip "I'm so sorry" Nikki replied as she backed up on his hand when she realized what she has done. "Hey I'm ok sweetie, I don't mind" Adrian replied as he gently kissed her back "really" Nikki asked with a smile as she looked up at him with glee "yes really" Adrian replied as he heads for the stairs "so what does this mean" Nikki asked as she laid down in his hand as she looked up at him "well I think this is a start to a beautiful relationship" Adrian replied as he looked down at her as he gave her a quick wink.

"I like that" Nikki replied as she lets out a yawn "same here" Adrian replied as he gently laid her down on his pillow "night big guy" Nikki said as she snuggles into his pillow. "Night sweetie" Adrian said as he laid down next to her "I love you Nikki" Adrian whispers as he leans over and gave her a long gentle kiss on the head.

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