Chapter 15

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Once Adrian walked into his room he placed Nikki down on the bed "what's got into you" Adrian asked as he looked down at her as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Master she grabbed me and tried to hurt me so I bit her" Nikki replied as she looked up at him with hurt writing all over her face "look maybe it's for the best if you don't come with us" Adrian said as he walked over and grabbed his suit. "What that's not fair she's the one who attacked me" Nikki said as she walked over for he edge of the bed to get closer to him "I made my decision" Adrian replied as he puts his suit.

"Please master I really want to go" Nikki begged as she hopped that he well change his mind "no" Adrian said as he looked at her as he's starting to get annoyed. "Please I'm bagging yo-" Nikki said as she got cut off "I said no!" Adrian snapped causing Nikki to jump "sorry" Nikki said as she quickly runs over to the ladder and climbed down as she didn't want Adrian to see she's starting cry. Once Nikki made it to the hallway she lets it all out "this isn't fair, it's all Connie's fault" Nikki whimpers as she runs under the bookshelf.

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