Chapter 18

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Once Adrian walked into the living room and gently placed Nikki down on the table "she's joining us" Connie asked as she looked at Adrian as he took am seat. "Yeah why, is that a problem" Adrian asked as he looked over at Connie with annoyed expression. "Umm no there's no problem" Connie replied as she leans forward and pressed play on the remote "good" Adrian replied as he leans back as the movie stared to play.

About half way into the movie Connie looks over at Adrian "honey can you go get us some more popcorn" Connie asked as she picked up the bowl and hands it over "sure" Adrian replied as he stands up and heads into the kitchen. Once Adrian is out of ear shot Connie looks at Nikki "you have to reck everything" Connie snapped as she leans over and plucks Nikki off the table "now it's time time to get rid of you once and for all" Connie chuckled as she dropped Nikki into Adrian's ice cold water.

"Here's your pop corn" Adrian mumbled as he sits down and hands the popcorn over. "Why thank you" Connie replied as she placed the bowl down on the table as she picks up Adrian's drink "here" she said as she hands it over to him. "thanks" Adrian replied as he started do drink As Nikki getting closer to his mouth she tired to let out a scream but nothing came out.

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