Chapter 2

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Once Mr. Hutchison finished the adoption papers he looks down at his new companion "well your ready" he asked with a small smile on his face. "Yes master" Nikki replied looking up at him as she rubs her arm "if there's any trouble you can always count come back and get another on" the owner said as he handed Mr. Hutchison some supplies. "I'm sure we well be fine" Mr Hutchison replied as he picked up the bag with his other hand "have a good day" Mr. Hutchison said as he walked out of the store as he kept his eyes on his little pet.

"Find everything your looking for sir" the limo driver asked as he holds the door open "yes I did Billy" Mr. Hutchison replied as he climbed into the back and took a seat. "So what's your name little one" Mr. Hutchison asked as he placed Nikki down on his lap "my name is Nikki sir" Nikki replied as she grabbed a hold of his owners shirt when the limo started to move. "That's a very cute name you have" Mr. Hutchison replied as he leans back and looks out the window "thank you sir" Nikki replied as she looked down at her hands.

As they were driving down the road Nikki started to play with her as she's trying to stay calm "what do I have to do when we get home" Nikki asked looking up at the gigantic man in fear. "Just be on your best behaviour and just listen, other than that nothing" Mr. Hutchison replied as he gently rubs her back "Ok sir I think I can do that " Nikki replied as she leans into his finger.

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