Chapter 6

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Once everyone was finished eating Adrian gently scoops Nikki off his plate and gently placed her in his shoulder. "So honey can you come with me and get my girl tomorrow" Connie asked as she stands up "sure I would happy to" Aaron replied as he stands up as well. "Mr. Hutchison will you be joining us for a movie night" Mrs Conners asked as she pushes in her chair "I would love to, but I better get going home" Adrain replied as he kissed his girlfriend goodbye "I well next time   Mrs. Conners" Aaron said as he heads to the front door.

As Adrian walks out of the mansion he looks at Nikki "how did you like the food" Adrian asked as he hopped inside the limo. "It was really good, thanks for taking me" Nikki replied as she snuggles into his neck as she lets out a yawn. When Nikki leans against Adrian's neck his blood rushed up to his face "if you want you can go to sleep I well wake you when we get home" Adrian said softly "ok sir" Nikki replied as she slowly fell a sleep.

Time skip

As the limo pulls up Adrian looks down at her "there's no point of waking her" Adrian said to himself as he slowly picks her up off his shoulder as he hops out of the limo "have a nice night Mr. Hutchison" the limo driver said. "You to" Adrian replied as he walked up the stairs and heads inside, once inside Adrian walks over and gently placed Nikki on the couch "night little one" Adrian whispers as he gently covers her up with his jacket.

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