Chapter 8

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"Do you want to come in with me to pick her up" Connie asked as she looked over at Adrian with a smile as they pulled up at the human hospital. "You can I well stay here" Adrian replied as he looked over at Connie who frowned "please come in with me" Connie begged as she grabbed a hold of Adrian's arm "honey you well be fine" Adrian replied giving Connie a reassuring smile. "Fine be that away" Connie mumbled as she hops out of the limo and heads inside the human hospital "man she's something" Nikki said to herself as she looks up at her master who was smiling.
As Connie walked into the human hospital all the workers went running around "where's my Lucy" Connie asked as she walks over to the front desk and started to tap it with her long finger nails. "The nurse is bringing her down right now mam" the lady replied as she looked at Connie "well tell them to hurry I don't have all day" Connie mumbled as she pulled a nail file out of her bag. About 20 minutes of waiting a nurse comes walking over "here she is mam" the nurse replied as she hands Lucy over "thank you" Connie replied as she gently picks up Lucy "ready to go home darling" Connie asked looking down at Lucy.

"Yes I am, I didn't like it here" Lucy mumbled as she crossed her arms over her chest "ok we're leaving sweetie" Connie replied turning around and walking away without saying thank you to the doctors and the nurses. "Anything exciting happen while I was gone" Lucy asked as she looked up at her owner "no it hasn't, Adrian got himself a little human and I need your help to get him to hate her" Connie replied looking down at Lucy with a smirk "don't worry master I well help you" Lucy replied as a evil grin came onto her face.

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