Chapter 20

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As Adrian walks into the bathroom he saw Nikki sitting down hugging her knees "hey you don't have to worry, she won't be coming back anymore" Adrian said softly as he walks over and gently lifts her up. "Promise sir" Nikki asked as she snuggles into his chest as he starts to walk out of the bathroom "I promise Nikki" Adrian replied looking down at her with gentleness in his eyes. "Good you deserve better" Nikki replied as she lets out a yawn "I do" Adrian asked as he raised up his eyebrow as he saw her nod "yeah everybody needs somebody to love them just for them sir" Nikki replied as Adrian took a seat on the couch. "Do you want to finish this movie" Adrian asked as he gently placed Nikki in his lap "yes please" Nikki replied as she laid down and lets out a yawn.

"You got it" Adrian replied as he picked up the remote and pressed play "I'm sorry I didn't believe you about Connie" Adrian said as he gently coves Nikki up with his hand. "Hey it's ok, she was your girlfriend" Nikki replied as she grabbed a hold of his finger as she pulls it into a hug "umm Nikki" Adrian asked as he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand "yeah" Nikki asked as she kept her attention on the tv "call me Adrian" Adrian replied causing Nikki to smile "ok I well" Nikki relied.

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