Chapter 7

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In the morning Nikki wakes up to something heavy on her "what the" she said to herself as she pushed on it. "Master!" Nikki called hoping that he well come and help her get this thing off of her, when Nikki was about to yell again the jacket got lifted up "well good morning little one" Adrian said with a smile as he used his free hand as he gently scoops Nikki up. "Morning sir" Nikki replied as she lets out a yawn "you ready for today" Adrian asked as he walks over to the front door "ready as I ever be" Nikki replied looking up at him with a soft smile.

As Adrian opened the door he's face to face with Connie "hey I was just heading out to pick you up" Adrian said as he looked his his girl with a smile. "Well I wanted to pick you up, so here I am" Connie replied with a smile but it didn't last when she saw Nikki sitting on her man's hand. "Is everything ok honey" Adrian asked looking at Connie with worry in his eyes "yeah I'm ok just excited to get my girl back" Connie replied as she grabbed a hold of Adrian's arms and pulled him down the steps.

Once they are inside the limo Adrian gently placed Nikki down on his lap "so Nikki right, how's it like to be adopted" Connie asked looking down at her with a fake smile. "I'm very happy Miss, for awhile I thought I would never get adopted" Nikki replied as she looked down at her hands "you won't be happy for long if I have anything to do with it" Connie said to herself as she looked out the window as they headed down the road.

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